Aguilar, A. C., De Soto, F., Ferreira, M. N., Papavassiliou, J., Pinto-Gomez, F., Roberts, C. D., et al. (2023). Schwinger mechanism for gluons from lattice QCD. Phys. Lett. B, 841, 137906–8pp.
Abstract: Continuum and lattice analyses have revealed the existence of a mass-scale in the gluon two-point Schwinger function. It has long been conjectured that this expresses the action of a Schwinger mechanism for gauge boson mass generation in quantum chromodynamics (QCD). For such to be true, it is necessary and sufficient that a dynamically-generated, massless, colour-carrying, scalar gluon+gluon correlation emerges as a feature of the dressed three-gluon vertex. Working with results on elementary Schwinger functions obtained via the numerical simulation of lattice-regularised QCD, we establish with an extremely high level of confidence that just such a feature appears; hence, confirm the conjectured origin of the gluon mass scale.
Cui, Z. F., Zhang, J. L., Binosi, D., De Soto, F., Mezrag, C., Papavassiliou, J., et al. (2020). Effective charge from lattice QCD. Chin. Phys. C, 44(8), 083102–10pp.
Abstract: Using lattice configurations for quantum chromodynamics (QCD) generated with three domain-wall fermions at a physical pion mass, we obtain a parameter-free prediction of QCD 's renormalisation-group-invariant process-independent effective charge, (alpha) over cap (k(2)). Owing to the dynamical breaking of scale invariance, evident in the emergence of a gluon mass-scale, m(0) = 0.43(1) GeV, this coupling saturates at infrared momenta: (alpha) over cap/pi = 0.97(4). Amongst other things: (alpha) over cap (k(2)) is almost identical to the process-dependent (PD) effective charge defined via the Bjorken sum rule; and also that PD charge which, employed in the one-loop evolution equations, delivers agreement between pion parton distribution functions computed at the hadronic scale and experiment. The diversity of unifying roles played by (alpha) over cap (k(2)) suggests that it is a strong candidate for that object which represents the interaction strength in QCD at any given momentum scale; and its properties support a conclusion that QCD is a mathematically well-defined quantum field theory in four dimensions.