Courtoy, A., Noguera, S., & Scopetta, S. (2019). Double parton distributions in the pion in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. J. High Energy Phys., 12(12), 045–26pp.
Abstract: Two-parton correlations in the pion, a non perturbative information encoded in double parton distribution functions, are investigated in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. It is found that double parton distribution functions expose novel dynamical information on the structure of the pion, not accessible through one-body parton distributions, as it happens in several estimates for the proton target and in a previous evaluation for the pion, in a light-cone framework. Expressions and predictions are given for double parton distributions corresponding to leading-twist Dirac operators in the quark vertices, and to different regularization methods for the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. These results are particularly relevant in view of forthcoming lattice data.
Deak, M., & Kutak, K. (2015). Kinematical constraint effects in the evolution equations based on angular ordering. J. High Energy Phys., 05(5), 068–13pp.
Abstract: We study effects of imposing various forms of the kinematical constraint on the full form of the CCFM equation and its non-linear extension. We find, that imposing the constraint in its complete form modifies significantly the shape of gluon density as compared to forms of the constraint used in numerical calculations and phenomenological applications. In particular the resulting gluon density is suppressed for large values of the hard scale related parameter and k(T) of gluon. This result might be important in description of jet correlations at Large Hadron Collider within the CCFM approach.
Rinaldi, M. (2017). GPDs at non-zero skewness in ADS/QCD model. Phys. Lett. B, 771, 563–567.
Abstract: We study Generalized Parton Distribution functions (GPDs) usually measured in hard exclusive processes and encoding information on the three dimensional partonic structure of hadrons and their spin decomposition, for non-zeroskewness within the AdS/QCD formalism. To this aim the canonical scheme to calculate GPDs at zero skewness has been properly generalized. Furthermore, we show that the latter quantities, in this non-forwardregime, are sensitive to non-trivialdetails of the hadronic light front wave function, such as a kind of parton correlations usually not accessible in studies of form factors and GPDs at zero skewness.
Rinaldi, M., Scopetta, S., Traini, M., & Vento, V. (2016). Correlations in double parton distributions: perturbative and non-perturbative effects. J. High Energy Phys., 10(10), 063–36pp.
Abstract: The correct description of Double Parton Scattering (DPS), which represents a background in several channels for the search of new Physics at the LHC, requires the knowledge of double parton distribution functions (dPDFs). These quantities represent also a novel tool for the study of the three-dimensional nucleon structure, complementary to the possibilities offered by electromagnetic probes. In this paper we analyze dPDFs using Poincare covariant predictions obtained by using a Light-Front constituent quark model proposed in a recent paper, and QCD evolution. We study to what extent factorized expressions for dPDFs, which neglect, at least in part, two-parton correlations, can be used. We show that they fail in reproducing the calculated dPDFs, in particular in the valence region. Actually measurable processes at existing facilities occur at low longitudinal momenta of the interacting partons; to have contact with these processes we have analyzed correlations between pairs of partons of different kind, finding that, in some cases, they are strongly suppressed at low longitudinal momenta, while for other distributions they can be sizeable. For example, the effect of gluon-gluon correlations can be as large as 20 %. We have shown that these behaviors can be understood in terms of a delicate interference of non-perturbative correlations, generated by the dynamics of the model, and perturbative ones, generated by the model independent evolution procedure. Our analysis shows that at LHC kinematics two-parton correlations can be relevant in DPS, and therefore we address the possibility to study them experimentally.