Mistry, A. K. et al, Tain, J. L., Agramunt, J., Algora, A., Guadilla, V., Morales, A. I., et al. (2022). The DESPEC setup for GSI and FAIR. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 1033, 166662–18pp.
Abstract: The DEcay SPECtroscopy (DESPEC) setup for nuclear structure investigations was developed and commissioned at GSI, Germany in preparation for a full campaign of experiments at the FRS and Super-FRS. In this paper, we report on the first employment of the setup in the hybrid configuration with the AIDA implanter coupled to the FATIMA LaBr3(Ce) fast-timing array, and high-purity germanium detectors. Initial results are shown from the first experiments carried out with the setup. An overview of the setup and function is discussed, including technical advancements along the path.
Sahin, E. et al, & Algora, A. (2024). Collectivity at the prolate-oblate transition: The 21+ lifetime of 190W. Phys. Lett. B, 857, 138976–8pp.
Abstract: The neutron-rich rare isotope W-190 is discussed as a candidate for a prolate-oblate transitional nucleus with maximum gamma-softness. The collectivity of this isotope is assessed for the first time by the measurement of the reduced E2 transition probability of its first 2(+) state to the ground state. The experiment employed the FAst TIming Array (FATIMA), comprised of 36 LaBr3(Ce) scintillators, which was part of the DESPEC setup at GSI, Darmstadt. The 4(1)(+) and 2(1)(+) states of W-190 were populated subsequently to the decay of its 127(12) μs isomeric J(pi )= 10(-) state. The mean lifetime of the 2(1)(+) state was determined to be tau = 274(28) ps, which corresponds to a B(E2; 2(1)(+ )-> 0(1)(+)) value of 95(10) W.u. The results motivated a revision of previous calculations within an energy-density functional-based interacting boson model-2 approach, yielding E2 transition properties and spectroscopic quadrupole moments for tungsten isotopes. From comparison to theory, the new data suggest that W-190 is at the transition from prolate to oblate structure along the W isotopic chain, which had previously been discussed as a nuclear shape-phase transition.