Babiano, V., Balibrea, J., Caballero, L., Calvo, D., Ladarescu, I., Mira Prats, S., et al. (2020). First i-TED demonstrator: A Compton imager with Dynamic Electronic Collimation. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 953, 163228–9pp.
Abstract: i-TED consists of both a total energy detector and a Compton camera primarily intended for the measurement of neutron capture cross sections by means of the simultaneous combination of neutron time-of-flight (TOF) and gamma-ray imaging techniques. TOF allows one to obtain a neutron-energy differential capture yield, whereas the imaging capability is intended for the discrimination of radiative background sources, that have a spatial origin different from that of the capture sample under investigation. A distinctive feature of i-TED is the embedded Dynamic Electronic Collimation (DEC) concept, which allows for a trade-off between efficiency and image resolution. Here we report on some general design considerations and first performance characterization measurements made with an i-TED demonstrator in order to explore its gamma-ray detection and imaging capabilities.
Balibrea-Correa, J., Lerendegui-Marco, J., Babiano-Suarez, V., Caballero, L., Calvo, D., Ladarescu, I., et al. (2021). Machine Learning aided 3D-position reconstruction in large LaCl3 crystals. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 1001, 165249–17pp.
Abstract: We investigate five different models to reconstruct the 3D gamma-ray hit coordinates in five large LaCl3(Ce) monolithic crystals optically coupled to pixelated silicon photomultipliers. These scintillators have a base surface of 50 x 50 mm(2) and five different thicknesses, from 10 mm to 30 mm. Four of these models are analytical prescriptions and one is based on a Convolutional Neural Network. Average resolutions close to 1-2 mm fwhm are obtained in the transverse crystal plane for crystal thicknesses between 10 mm and 20 mm using analytical models. For thicker crystals average resolutions of about 3-5 mm fwhm are obtained. Depth of interaction resolutions between 1 mm and 4 mm are achieved depending on the distance of the interaction point to the photosensor surface. We propose a Machine Learning algorithm to correct for linearity distortions and pin-cushion effects. The latter allows one to keep a large field of view of about 70%-80% of the crystal surface, regardless of crystal thickness. This work is aimed at optimizing the performance of the so-called Total Energy Detector with Compton imaging capability (i-TED) for time-of-flight neutron capture cross-section measurements.
Borja-Lloret, M., Barrientos, L., Bernabeu, J., Lacasta, C., Muñoz, E., Ros, A., et al. (2023). Influence of the background in Compton camera images for proton therapy treatment monitoring. Phys. Med. Biol., 68(14), 144001–16pp.
Abstract: Objective. Background events are one of the most relevant contributions to image degradation in Compton camera imaging for hadron therapy treatment monitoring. A study of the background and its contribution to image degradation is important to define future strategies to reduce the background in the system. Approach. In this simulation study, the percentage of different kinds of events and their contribution to the reconstructed image in a two-layer Compton camera have been evaluated. To this end, GATE v8.2 simulations of a proton beam impinging on a PMMA phantom have been carried out, for different proton beam energies and at different beam intensities. Main results. For a simulated Compton camera made of Lanthanum (III) Bromide monolithic crystals, coincidences caused by neutrons arriving from the phantom are the most common type of background produced by secondary radiations in the Compton camera, causing between 13% and 33% of the detected coincidences, depending on the beam energy. Results also show that random coincidences are a significant cause of image degradation at high beam intensities, and their influence in the reconstructed images is studied for values of the time coincidence windows from 500 ps to 100 ns. Significance. Results indicate the timing capabilities required to retrieve the fall-off position with good precision. Still, the noise observed in the image when no randoms are considered make us consider further background rejection methods.
Domingo-Pardo, C. (2016). i-TED: A novel concept for high-sensitivity (n,gamma) cross-section measurements. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 825, 78–86.
Abstract: A new method for measuring (n, gamma) cross-sections aiming at enhanced signal-to-background ratio is presented. This new approach is based on the combination of the pulse-height weighting technique with a total energy detection system that features gamma-ray imaging capability (i-TED). The latter allows one to exploit Compton imaging techniques to discriminate between true capture gamma-rays arising from the sample under study and background gamma-rays coming from contaminant neutron (prompt or delayed) captures in the surrounding environment. A general proof-of-concept detection system for this application is presented in this paper together with a description of the imaging method and a conceptual demonstration based on Monte Carlo simulations.
Linhart, V., Burdette, D., Chessi, E., Cindro, V., Clinthorne, N. H., Cochran, E., et al. (2011). Spectroscopy study of imaging devices based on silicon Pixel Array Detector coupled to VATAGP7 read-out chips. J. Instrum., 6, C01092–8pp.
Abstract: Spectroscopic and timing response studies have been conducted on a detector module consisting of a silicon Pixel Array Detector bonded on two VATAGP7 read-out chips manufactured by Gamma-Medica Ideas using laboratory gamma sources and the internal calibration facilities (the calibration system of the read-out chips). The performed tests have proven that the chips have (i) non-linear calibration curves which can be approximated by power functions, (ii) capability to measure the energy of photons with energy resolution better than 2 keV (exact range and resolution depend on experimental setup), (iii) the internal calibration facility which provides 6 out of 16 available internal calibration charges within our region of interest (spanning the Compton edge of 511 keV photons). The peaks induced by the internal calibration facility are suitable for a fit of the calibration curves. However, they are not suitable for measurements of equivalent noise charge because their full width at half maximum varies with their amplitude. These facts indicate that the VATAGP7 chips are useful and precise tools for a wide variety of spectroscopic devices. We have also explored time walk of the module and peaking time of the spectroscopy signals provided by the chips. We have observed that (iv) the time walk is caused partly by the peaking time of the signals provided by the fast shaper of the chips and partly by the timing uncertainty related to the varying position of the photon interaction, (v) the peaking time of the spectroscopy signals provided by the chips increases with increasing pulse height.
Llosa, G., Barrio, J., Cabello, J., Crespo, A., Lacasta, C., Rafecas, M., et al. (2012). Detector characterization and first coincidence tests of a Compton telescope based on LaBr3 crystals and SiPMs. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 695, 105–108.
Abstract: A Compton telescope for dose monitoring in hadron therapy consisting of several layers of continuous LaBr3 crystals coupled to silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) arrays is under development within the ENVISION project. In order to test the possibility of employing such detectors for the telescope, a detector head consisting of a continuous 16 mm x 18 mm x 5 mm LaBr3 crystal coupled to a SiPM array has been assembled and characterized, employing the SPIROC1 ASIC as readout electronics. The best energy resolution obtained at 511 key is 6.5% FWHM and the timing resolution is 3.1 ns FWHM. A position determination method for continuous crystals is being tested, with promising results. In addition, the detector has been operated in time coincidence with a second detector layer, to determine the coincidence capabilities of the system. The first tests are satisfactory, and encourage the development of larger detectors that will compose the telescope prototype.
Llosa, G., Barrio, J., Lacasta, C., Callier, S., Raux, L., & de La Taille, C. (2011). First tests in the application of silicon photomultiplier arrays to dose monitoring in hadron therapy. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 648, S96–S99.
Abstract: A detector head composed of a continuous LaBr3 crystal coupled to a silicon photomultiplier array has been mounted and tested, for its use in a Compton telescope for dose monitoring in hadron therapy. The LaBr3 crystal has 16 mm x 18 mm x 5 mm size, and it is surrounded with reflecting material in five faces. The SiPM array has 16 (4 x 4) elements of 3 mm x 3 mm size. The SPIROC1 ASIC has been employed as readout electronics. The detector shows a linear behavior up to 1275 keV. The energy resolution obtained at 511 keV is 7% FWHM, and it varies as one over the square root of the energy up to the energies tested. The variations among the detector channels are within 12%. A preliminary measurement of the timing resolution gives 7 ns FWHM. The spatial resolution obtained with the center of gravity method is 1.2 mm FWHM. The tests performed confirm the correct functioning of the detector.
Muñoz, E., Barrientos, L., Bernabeu, J., Borja-Lloret, M., Llosa, G., Ros, A., et al. (2020). A spectral reconstruction algorithm for two-plane Compton cameras. Phys. Med. Biol., 65(2), 025011–17pp.
Abstract: One factor limiting the current applicability extent of hadron therapy is the lack of a reliable method for real time treatment monitoring. The use of Compton imaging systems as monitors requires the correct reconstruction of the distribution of prompt gamma productions during patient irradiation. In order to extract the maximum information from all the measurable events, we implemented a spectral reconstruction method that assigns to all events a probability of being either partial or total energy depositions. The method, implemented in a list-mode maximum likelihood expectation maximization algorithm, generates a four dimensional image in the joint spatial-spectral domain, in which the voxels containing the emission positions and energies are obtained. The analytical model used for the system response function is also employed to derive an analytical expression for the sensitivity, which is calculated via Monte Carlo integration. The performance of the method is evaluated through reconstruction of various experimental and simulated sources with different spatial and energy distributions. The results show that the proposed method can recover the spectral and spatial information simultaneously, but only under the assumption of ideal measurements. The analysis of the Monte Carlo simulations has led to the identification of two important degradation sources: the mispositioning of the gamma interaction point and the missing energy recorded in the interaction. Both factors are related to the high energy transferred to the recoil electrons, which can travel far from the interaction point and even escape the detector. These effects prevent the direct application of the current method in more realistic scenarios. Nevertheless, experimental point-like sources have been accurately reconstructed and the spatial distributions and spectral emission of complex simulated phantoms can be identified.
Muñoz, E., Barrio, J., Bemmerer, D., Etxebeste, A., Fiedler, F., Hueso-Gonzalez, F., et al. (2018). Tests of MACACO Compton telescope with 4.44 MeV gamma rays. J. Instrum., 13, P05007–13pp.
Abstract: Hadron therapy offers the possibility of delivering a large amount of radiation dose to tumors with minimal absorption by the surrounding healthy tissue. In order to fully exploit the advantages of this technique, the use of real-time beam monitoring devices becomes mandatory. Compton imaging devices can be employed to map the distribution of prompt gamma emission during the treatment and thus assess its correct delivery. The Compton telescope prototype developed at IFIC-Valencia for this purpose is made of three layers of LaBr3 crystals coupled to silicon photomultipliers. The system has been tested in a 4.44 MeV gamma field at the 3 MV Tandetron accelerator at HZDR, Dresden. Images of the target with the system in three different positions separated by 10 mm were successfully reconstructed. This indicates the ability of MACACO for imaging the prompt gamma rays emitted at such energies.
Keywords: Compton imaging; Instrumentation for hadron therapy; Gamma detectors (scintillators, CZT, HPG, HgI etc); Photon detectors for UV, visible and IR photons (solid state) (PIN diodes, APDs, Si PMTs, G APDs, CCDs, EBCCDs, EMCCDs etc)
Muñoz, E., Barrio, J., Etxebeste, A., Ortega, P. G., Lacasta, C., Oliver, J. F., et al. (2017). Performance evaluation of MACACO: a multilayer Compton camera. Phys. Med. Biol., 62(18), 7321–7341.
Abstract: Compton imaging devices have been proposed and studied for a wide range of applications. We have developed a Compton camera prototype which can be operated with two or three detector layers based on monolithic lanthanum bromide (LaBr3) crystals coupled to silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs), to be used for proton range verification in hadron therapy. In this work, we present the results obtained with our prototype in laboratory tests with radioactive sources and in simulation studies. Images of a Na-22 and an Y-88 radioactive sources have been successfully reconstructed. The full width half maximum of the reconstructed images is below 4 mm for a Na-22 source at a distance of 5 cm.