Babichev, E., & Fabbri, A. (2014). A class of charged black hole solutions in massive (bi)gravity. J. High Energy Phys., 07(7), 016–10pp.
Abstract: We present a new class of solutions describing charged black holes in massive (bi)gravity. For a generic choice of the parameters of the massive gravity action, the solution is the Reissner-Nordstrom-de Sitter metric written in the Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates for both metrics. We also study a special case of the parameters, for which the space of solutions contains an extra symmetry.
Creminelli, P., Loayza, N., Serra, F., Trincherini, E., & Trombetta, L. G. (2020). Hairy black-holes in shift-symmetric theories. J. High Energy Phys., 08(8), 045–24pp.
Abstract: Scalar hair of black holes in theories with a shift symmetry are constrained by the no-hair theorem of Hui and Nicolis, assuming spherical symmetry, time-independence of the scalar field and asymptotic flatness. The most studied counterexample is a linear coupling of the scalar with the Gauss-Bonnet invariant. However, in this case the norm of the shift-symmetry current J(2) diverges at the horizon casting doubts on whether the solution is physically sound. We show that this is not an issue since J(2) is not a scalar quantity, since J(mu) is not a diffinvariant current in the presence of Gauss-Bonnet. The same theory can be written in Horndeski form with a non-analytic function G(5)similar to log X . In this case the shift-symmetry current is diff-invariant, but contains powers of X in the denominator, so that its divergence at the horizon is again immaterial. We confirm that other hairy solutions in the presence of non-analytic Horndeski functions are pathological, featuring divergences of physical quantities as soon as one departs from time-independence and spherical symmetry. We generalise the no-hair theorem to Beyond Horndeski and DHOST theories, showing that the coupling with Gauss-Bonnet is necessary to have hair.
Delhom, A., Olmo, G. J., & Orazi, E. (2019). Ricci-Based Gravity theories and their impact on Maxwell and nonlinear electromagnetic models. J. High Energy Phys., 11(11), 149–24pp.
Abstract: We extend the correspondence between metric-affine Ricci-Based Gravity the- ories and General Relativity (GR) to the case in which the matter sector is represented by linear and nonlinear electromagnetic fields. This complements previous studies focused on fluids and scalar fields. We establish the general algorithm that relates the matter fields in the GR and RBG frames and consider some applications. In particular, we find that the so-called Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity theory coupled to Maxwell electromag- netism is in direct correspondence with GR coupled to Born-Infeld electromagnetism. We comment on the potential phenomenological implications of this relation.
Foffa, S., Sturani, R., & Torres Bobadilla, W. J. (2021). Efficient resummation of high post-Newtonian contributions to the binding energy. J. High Energy Phys., 02(2), 165–18pp.
Abstract: A factorisation property of Feynman diagrams in the context the Effective Field Theory approach to the compact binary problem has been recently employed to efficiently determine the static sector of the potential at fifth post-Newtonian (5PN) order. We extend this procedure to the case of non-static diagrams and we use it to fix, by means of elementary algebraic manipulations, the value of more than one thousand diagrams at 5PN order, that is a substantial fraction of the diagrams needed to fully determine the dynamics at 5PN. This procedure addresses the redundancy problem that plagues the computation of the binding energy with respect to more “efficient” observables like the scattering angle, thus making the EFT approach in harmonic gauge at least as scalable as the others methods.