Belchior, F. M., & Maluf, R. V. (2023). One-loop radiative corrections in bumblebee-Stueckelberg model. Phys. Lett. B, 844, 138107–9pp.
Abstract: This work aims to study the radiative corrections in a vector model with spontaneous Lorentz symmetry violation, known in the literature as the bumblebee model. We consider such a model with self -interaction quadratic smooth potential responsible for spontaneous Lorentz symmetry breaking. The spectrum of this model displays a transversal nonmassive mode, identified as Nambu-Goldstone, and a massive longitudinal mode. Besides the Lorentz symmetry, this model also exhibits gauge symmetry violation. To restore the gauge symmetry, we introduce the Stueckelberg field and calculate the two -point function by employing the principal-value (PV) prescription. The result is nontransversal, leading to a massive excited mode.