Bernabeu, J., Martinez-Vidal, F., & Villanueva-Perez, P. (2012). Time reversal violation from the entangled B-0(B)over-bar(0) system. J. High Energy Phys., 08(8), 064–18pp.
Abstract: We discuss the concepts and methodology to implement an experiment probing directly Time Reversal (T) non-invariance, without any experimental connection to CP violation, by the exchange of in and out states. The idea relies on the B-0(B) over bar (0)) entanglement and decay time information available at B factories. The flavor or CP tag of the state of the still living neutral meson by the first decay of its orthogonal partner overcomes the problem of irreversibility for unstable systems, which prevents direct tests of T with incoherent particle states. T violation in the time evolution between the two decays means experimentally a difference between the rates for the time-ordered (l+X, J/psi K-s) and (J/psi K-L, l(-)X) decays, and three other independent asymmetries. The proposed strategy has been applied to simulated data samples of similar size and features to those currently available, from which we estimate the significance of the expected discovery to reach many standard deviations.
Campanario, F., Czyz, H., Gluza, J., Gunia, M., Riemann, T., Rodrigo, G., et al. (2014). Complete QED NLO contributions to the reaction e(+)e(-) -> mu(+)mu(-)gamma and their implementation in the event generator PHOKHARA. J. High Energy Phys., 02(2), 114–27pp.
Abstract: KLOE and Babar have an observed discrepancy of 2% to 5% in the invariant pion pair production cross section. These measurements are based on approximate NLO mu(+)mu(-)gamma cross section predictions of the Monte Carlo event generator PHOKHARA7.0. In this article, the complete NLO radiative corrections to mu(+)mu(-)gamma production are calculated and implemented in the Monte Carlo event generator PHOKHARA9.0. Numerical reliability is guaranteed by two independent approaches to the real and the virtual corrections. The novel features include the contribution of pentagon diagrams in the virtual corrections, which form a gauge-invariant set when combined with their box diagram partners. They may contribute to certain distributions at the percent level. Also the real emission was complemented with two-photon final state emission contributions not included in the generator PHOKHARA7.0. We demonstrate that the numerical influence reaches, for realistic charge-averaged experimental setups, not more than 0.1% at KLOE and 0.3% at BaBar energies. As a result, we exclude the approximations in earlier versions of PHOKHARA as origin of the observed experimental discrepancy.
Carrasco, N., Ciuchini, M., Dimopoulos, P., Frezzotti, R., Gimenez, V., Herdoiza, G., et al. (2014). B-physics from N-f=2 tmQCD: the Standard Model and beyond. J. High Energy Phys., 03(3), 016–52pp.
Abstract: We present a lattice QCD computation of the b-quark mass, the B and B-s decay constants, the B-mixing bag parameters for the full four-fermion operator basis as well as determinations for xi and f(Bq) root B-i((q)) extrapolated to the continuum limit and to the physical pion mass. We used N-f = 2 twisted mass Wilson fermions at four values of the lattice spacing with pion masses ranging from 280 to 500 MeV. Extrapolation in the heavy quark mass from the charm to the bottom quark region has been carried out on ratios of physical quantities computed at nearby quark masses, exploiting the fact that they have an exactly known infinite mass limit. Our results are m(b)(m(b), (MS) over bar) = 4.29(12) GeV, f(Bs) = 228(8) MeV, f(B) = 189(8) MeV and f(Bs)/f(B) = 1.206(24). Moreover with our results for the bag-parameters we find xi = 1.225(31), B-1((s))/B-1((d)) = 1.01(2), f (Bd) root(B) over cap ((d))(1) = 216(10) MeV and integral Bs root(B) over cap ((s))(1) = 262(10) MeV. We also computed the bag parameters for the complete basis of the four-fermion operators which are required in beyond the SM theories. By using these results for the bag parameters we are able to provide a refined Unitarity Triangle analysis in the presence of New Physics, improving the bounds coming from B-(s) -(B) over bar ((s)) mixing.
Celis, A., Jung, M., Li, X. Q., & Pich, A. (2013). Sensitivity to charged scalars in B -> D-(*)tau nu(tau) and B -> tau nu(tau) decays. J. High Energy Phys., 01(1), 054–27pp.
Abstract: We analyze the recent experimental evidence for an excess of tau-lepton production in several exclusive semileptonic B-meson decays in the context of two-Higgs-doublet models. These decay modes are sensitive to the exchange of charged scalars and constrain strongly their Yukawa interactions. While the usual Type-II scenario cannot accommodate the recent BaBar data, this is possible within more general models in which the charged-scalar couplings to up-type quarks are not as suppressed. Both the B -> D-(*)tau nu(tau) and the B -> tau nu(tau) data can be fitted within the framework of the Aligned Two-Higgs-Doublet Model, but the resulting parameter ranges are in conflict with the constraints from leptonic charm decays. This could indicate a departure from the family universality of the Yukawa couplings, beyond their characteristic fermion mass dependence. We discuss several new observables that are sensitive to a hypothetical charged-scalar contribution, demonstrating that they are well suited to distinguish between different scenarios of new physics in the scalar sector, and also between this group and models with different Dirac structures; their experimental study would therefore shed light on the relevance of scalar exchanges in semileptonic b -> c tau(-)(nu) over bar (tau) transitions.
Chang, Q., Li, X. Q., & Yang, Y. D. (2011). The effects of a family nonuniversal Z ' boson on B -> pi pi decays. Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, 26(7-8), 1273–1294.
Abstract: Motivated by the measured large branching ratio of (B) over bar (0) --> pi(0)pi(0) (the so-called pi pi puzzle), we investigate the effects of a family nonuniversal Z' model on the tree-dominated B --> pi pi decays. We find that the Z' coupling parameter zeta(LR)(d) similar to 0.05 with a nontrivial new weak phase phi(L)(d) similar to -50 degrees, which is relevant to the Z' contributions to the QCD penguin sector Delta C-5, is needed to reconcile the observed discrepancy. Combined with the recent fitting results from B --> pi K, pi K* and rho K decays, the Z' parameter spaces are severely reduced but still not excluded entirely, implying that both the “pi pi” and “pi K” puzzles could be accommodated simultaneously within such a family nonuniversal Z' model.
Della Morte, M., Dooling, S., Heitger, J., Hesse, D., & Simma, H. (2014). Matching of heavy-light flavour currents between HQET at order 1/m and QCD: I. Strategy and tree-level study. J. High Energy Phys., 05(5), 060–31pp.
Abstract: We present a strategy how to match the full set of components of the heavy-light axial and vector currents in Heavy Quark Effective Theory (HQET), up to and including 1/m (h) -corrections, to QCD. While the ultimate goal is to apply these matching conditions non-perturbatively, in this study we first have implemented them at tree-level, in order to find good choices of the matching observables with small contributions. They can later be employed in the non-perturbative matching procedure which is a crucial part of precision HQET computations of semileptonic decay form factors in lattice QCD.
Ellis, J., Hodgkinson, R. N., Lee, J. S., & Pilaftsis, A. (2010). Flavour geometry and effective Yukawa couplings in the MSSM. J. High Energy Phys., 02(2), 016–35pp.
Abstract: We present a new geometric approach to the flavour decomposition of an arbitrary soft supersymmetry-breaking sector in the MSSM. Our approach is based on the geometry that results from the quark and lepton Yukawa couplings, and enables us to derive the necessary and sufficient conditions for a linearly-independent basis of matrices related to the completeness of the internal [SU(3) circle times U(1)](5) flavour space. In a second step, we calculate the effective Yukawa couplings that are enhanced at large values of tan beta for general soft supersymmetry-breaking mass parameters. We highlight the contributions due to non-universal terms in the flavour decompositions of the sfermion mass matrices. We present numerical examples illustrating how such terms are induced by renormalization-group evolution starting from universal input boundary conditions, and demonstrate their importance for the flavour-violating effective Yukawa couplings of quarks.
Jung, M., Li, X. Q., & Pich, A. (2012). Exclusive radiative B-meson decays within the aligned two-Higgs-doublet model. J. High Energy Phys., 10(10), 063–33pp.
Abstract: In the aligned two-Higgs-doublet model, the alignment of Yukawa matrices in flavour space guarantees the absence of tree-level flavour-changing neutral currents, while allowing at the same time for new sources of CP violation, implying potentially large effects in many low-energy processes. In this work we study the constraints from exclusive radiative B -> V gamma decays, where V denotes a light vector meson. The current experimental data on the CP-averaged branching ratios and the direct CP and isospin asymmetries are analyzed. It is found that, while the branching ratios and direct CP asymmetries do not constrain the parameter space much further compared to the inclusive B -> X-s,X-d gamma decays, complementary constraints can be obtained from the isospin asymmetries Delta(K*gamma) and Delta(rho gamma). In addition, correlations between the various observables in exclusive B -> V gamma and inclusive B -> X-s,X-d gamma decays are investigated in detail, and predictions are made for several so far unmeasured observables.
Li, X. Q., Li, Y. M., Lu, G. R., & Su, F. (2012). B-s(0)-(B)over-bar(s)(0) mixing in a family non-universal Z ' model revisited. J. High Energy Phys., 05(5), 049–27pp.
Abstract: Motivated by the very recent measurements performed at the LHCb and the Tevatron of the B-s(0) – (B) over bar (0)(s) mixing, in this paper we revisit it in a family non-universal Z' model, to check if a simultaneous explanation for all the mixing observables, especially for the like-sign dimuon charge asymmetry observed by the D0 collaboration, could be made in such a specific model. In the first scenario where the Z' boson contributes only to the off-diagonal element M-12(s), it is found that, once the combined constraints from Delta M-s, phi(s) and Delta Gamma(s) are imposed, the model could not explain the measured flavour-specific CP asymmetry a(fs)(s), at least within its 1 sigma ranges. In the second scenario where the NP contributes also to the absorptive part Gamma(s)(12) via tree-level Z'-induced b -> c (c) over bars operators, we find that, with the constraints from Delta M-s, phi(s) and the indirect CP asymmetry in (B) over bar (d) -> J/psi K-S taken into account, the present measured 1 sigma experimental ranges for a(fs)(s) could not be reproduced too. Thus, such a specific Z' model with our specific assumptions could not simultaneously reconcile all the present data on B-s(0) – B-s(0) mixing. Future improved measurements from the LHCb and the proposed superB experiments, especially of the flavour-specific CP asymmetries, are expected to shed light on the issue.
Li, X. Q., Lu, J., & Pich, A. (2014). Bs,d(0) -> l(+)l(-) decays in the aligned two-Higgs-doublet model. J. High Energy Phys., 06(6), 022–39pp.
Abstract: The rare decays B-s,d(0) -> l(+)l(-) are analyzed within the general framework of the aligned two-Higgs doublet model. We present a complete one-loop calculation of the relevant short-distance Wilson coefficients, giving a detailed technical summary of our results and comparing them with previous calculations performed in particular limits or approximations. We investigate the impact of various model parameters on the branching ratios and study the phenomenological constraints imposed by present data.