Baeza-Ballesteros, J., Hernandez, P., & Romero-Lopez, F. (2022). A lattice study of pi pi scattering at large N-c. J. High Energy Phys., 06(6), 049–39pp.
Abstract: We present the first lattice study of pion-pion scattering with varying number of colors, N-c. We use lattice simulations with four degenerate quark flavors, N-f = 4, and N-c= 3 – 6. We focus on two scattering channels that do not involve vacuum diagrams. These correspond to two irreducible representations of the SU(4) flavor group: the fully symmetric one, SS, and the fully antisymmetric one, AA. The former is a repulsive channel equivalent to the isospin-2 channel of SU(2). By contrast, the latter is attractive and only exists for N-f >= 4. A representative state is (vertical bar D-s(+) pi(+)> – vertical bar D+ K+ >) /root 2. Using Lfischer's formalism, we extract the near-threshold scattering amplitude and we match our results to Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT) at large N-c. For this, we compute the analytical U(N-f) ChPT prediction for two-pion scattering, and use the lattice results to constrain the N-c scaling of the relevant low-energy couplings.
Gomez Dumm, D., Roig, P., Pich, A., & Portoles, J. (2010). tau -> pi pi pi nu(tau) decays and the a(1)(1260) off-shell width revisited. Phys. Lett. B, 685(2-3), 158–164.
Abstract: The tau -> pi pi pi nu(tau) decay is driven by the hadronization of the axial-vector current. Within the resonance chiral theory, and considering the large-N-C expansion, this process has been studied in Ref. [1] (D. Gomez Dumm, A. Pich, J. Portoles, 2004). In the light of later developments we revise here this previous work by including a new off-shell width for the lightest a(1) resonance that provides a good description of the tau -> pi pi pi nu(tau) spectrum and branching ratio. We also consider the role of the rho(1450) resonance in these observables. Thus we bring in an overall description of the tau -> pi pi pi nu(tau) process in excellent agreement with our present experimental knowledge.
Pich, A., Rosell, I., & Sanz-Cillero, J. J. (2011). The vector form factor at the next-to-leading order in 1/N-C: chiral couplings L-9(mu) and C-88(mu)-C-90(mu). J. High Energy Phys., 02(2), 109–23pp.
Abstract: Using the Resonance Chiral Theory Lagrangian, we perform a calculation of the vector form factor of the pion at the next-to-leading order (NLO) in the 1/N-C expansion. Imposing the correct QCD short-distance constraints, one fixes the amplitude in terms of the pion decay constant F and resonance masses. Its low momentum expansion determines then the corresponding O(p(4)) and O(p(6)) low-energy chiral couplings at NLO, keeping control of their renormalization scale dependence. At mu(0) = 0.77 GeV, we obtain L-9(mu(0)) = (7.9 +/- 0.4).10(-3) and C-88(mu(0)) – C-90(mu(0)) = (-4.6 +/- 0.4).10(-5).