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Argyropoulos, T.; Catalan-Lasheras, N.; Grudiev, A.; Mcmonagle, G.; Rodriguez-Castro, E.; Syrachev, I.; Wegner, R.; Woolley, B.; Wuensch, W.; Zha, H.; Dolgashev, V.; Bowden, G.; Haase, A.; Lucas, T.G.; Volpi, M.; Esperante-Pereira, D.; Rajamaki, R. Design, fabrication, and high-gradient testing of an X-band, traveling-wave accelerating structure milled from copper halves 2018 Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 21 061001 - 11pp
Degiovanni, A.; Wuensch, W.; Giner Navarro, J. Comparison of the conditioning of high gradient accelerating structures 2016 Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 19 032001 - 6pp
Diaz-Morcillo, A.; Barcelo, J.M.G.; Guerrero, A.J.L.; Navarro, P.; Gimeno, B.; Cuneáis, S.A.; Melcon, A.A.; Cogollos, C.; Calatroni, S.; Dobrich, B.; Gallego-Puyol, J.D.; Golm, J.; Irastorza, I.G.; Malbrunot, C.; Miralda-Escude, J.; Garay, C.P.; Redondo, J.; Wuensch, W. Design of New Resonant Haloscopes in the Search for the Dark Matter Axion: A Review of the First Steps in the RADES Collaboration 2022 Universe 8 5 - 22pp
Garcfa-Barcelo, J.M.; Melcon, A.A.; Cuendis, S.A.; Diaz-Morcillo, A.; Gimeno, B.; Kanareykin, A.; Lozano-Guerrero, A.J.; Navarro, P.; Wuensch, W. On the Development of New Tuning and Inter-Coupling Techniques Using Ferroelectric Materials in the Detection of Dark Matter Axions 2023 IEEE Access 11 30360-30372
Martinez-Reviriego, P.; Fuster-Martinez, N.; Esperante, D.; Boronat, M.; Gimeno, B.; Blanch, C.; Gonzalez-Iglesias, D.; Martin-Luna, P.; Martinez, E.; Menendez, A.; Pedraza, L.; Fernandez, J.; Fuster, J.; Grudiev, A.; Lasheras, N.C.; Wuensch, W. High-power performance studies of an S-band high-gradient accelerating cavity for medical applications 2025 Nuclear Engineering and Technology 57 103164 - 10pp
Melcon, A.A.; Cuendis, S.A.; Cogollos, C.; Diaz-Morcillo, A.; Dobrich, B.; Gallego, J.D.; Barcelo, J.M.G.; Gimeno, B.; Golm, J.; Irastorza, I.G.; Lozano-Guerrero, A.J.; Malbrunot, C.; Millar, A.; Navarro, P.; Garay, C.P.; Redondo, J.; Wuensch, W. Scalable haloscopes for axion dark matter detection in the 30 μeV range with RADES 2020 Journal of High Energy Physics 07 084 - 28pp
Senes, E.; Argyropoulos, T.; Tecker, F.; Wuensch, W. Beam-loading effect on breakdown rate in high-gradient accelerating cavities: An experiment at the Compact Linear Collider Test Facility at CERN 2018 Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 21 102001 - 8pp
Vnuchenko, A.; Esperante Pereira, D.; Gimeno, B.; Benedetti, S.; Catalan Lasheras, N.; Garlasch, M.; Grudiev, A.; McMonagle, G.; Pitman, S.; Syratchev, I.; Timmins, M.; Wegner, R.; Woolley, B.; Wuensch, W.; Faus-Golfe, A. High-gradient testing of an S-band, normal-conducting low phase velocity accelerating structure 2020 Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 23 084801 - 13pp
Woolley, B.; Burt, G.; Dexter, A.C.; Peacock, R.; Millar, W.L.; Catalan Lasheras, N.; Degiovanni, A.; Grudiev, A.; Mcmonagle, G.; Syratchev, I.; Wuensch, W.; Rodriguez Castro, E.; Giner Navarro, J. High-gradient behavior of a dipole-mode rf structure 2020 Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 23 122002 - 11pp
Wuensch, W.; Degiovanni, A.; Calatroni, S.; Korsback, A.; Djurabekova, F.; Rajamaki, R.; Giner-Navarro, J. Statistics of vacuum breakdown in the high-gradient and low-rate regime 2017 Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 20 011007 - 11pp
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