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Andreev, Y.M. et al; Molina Bueno, L.; Tuzi, M. Measurement of the intrinsic hadronic contamination in the NA64-e high-purity e+/e- beam at CERN 2023 Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 1057 168776 - 8pp
DUNE Collaboration (Abud, A.A. et al); Amar Es-Sghir, H.; Amedo, P.; Antonova, M.; Barenboim, G.; Benitez Montiel, C.; Capo, J.; Cervera Villanueva, A.; De Romeri, V.; Garcia-Peris, M.A.; Lopez March, N.; Martin-Albo, J.; Martinez Mirave, P.; Mena, O.; Molina Bueno, L.; Novella, P.; Pompa, F.; Rocabado Rocha, J.L.; Sanchez Bravo, A.; Sorel, M.; Soto-Oton, J.; Tortola, M.; Tuzi, M.; Ureña Gonzalez, J.; Valle, J.W.F.; Yahlali, N. Doping liquid argon with xenon in ProtoDUNE Single-Phase: effects on scintillation light 2024 Journal of Instrumentation 19 P08005 - 42pp
DUNE Collaboration (Abud, A.A. et al); Amar Es-Sghir, H.; Amedo, P.; Antonova, M.; Barenboim, G.; Benitez Montiel, C.; Capo, J.; Cervera Villanueva, A.; De Romeri, V.; Garcia-Peris, M.A.; Lopez March, N.; Martin-Albo, J.; Martinez Mirave, P.; Mena, O.; Molina Bueno, L.; Novella, P.; Pompa, F.; Rocabado Rocha, J.L.; Sanchez Bravo, A.; Sorel, M.; Soto-Oton, J.; Tortola, M.; Tuzi, M.; Ureña Gonzalez, J.; Valle, J.W.F.; Yahlali, N. First measurement of the total inelastic cross section of positively charged kaons on argon at energies between 5.0 and 7.5 GeV 2024 Physical Review D 110 092011 - 22pp
DUNE Collaboration (Abud, A.A. et al); Amar, H.; Amedo, P.; Antonova, M.; Barenboim, G.; Benitez Montiel, C.; Capo, J.; Cervera Villanueva, A.; De Romeri, V.; Garcia-Peris, M.A.; Hernandez-Garcia, J.; Lopez March, N.; Martin-Albo, J.; Martinez Mirave, P.; Mena, O.; Molina Bueno, L.; Novella, P.; Pompa, F.; Rocabado Rocha, J.L.; Sanchez Bravo, A.; Sorel, M.; Soto-Oton, J.; Tortola, M.; Tuzi, M.; Ureña Gonzalez, J.; Valle, J.W.F.; Yahlali, N. DUNE Phase II: scientific opportunities, detector concepts, technological solutions 2024 Journal of Instrumentation 19 P12005 - 91pp
DUNE Collaboration (Abud, A.A. et al); Amar, H.; Amedo, P.; Antonova, M.; Barenboim, G.; Benitez Montiel, C.; Capo, J.; Cervera Villanueva, A.; De Romeri, V.; Garcia-Peris, M.A.; Lopez March, N.; Martin-Albo, J.; Martinez Mirave, P.; Mena, O.; Molina Bueno, L.; Novella, P.; Pompa, F.; Rocabado Rocha, J.L.; Sanchez Bravo, A.; Sorel, M.; Soto-Oton, J.; Tortola, M.; Tuzi, M.; Ureña Gonzalez, J.; Valle, J.W.F.; Yahlali, N. The DUNE far detector vertical drift technology Technical design report 2024 Journal of Instrumentation 19 T08004 - 418pp
DUNE Collaboration (Abud, A.A. et al); Amedo, P.; Antonova, M.; Barenboim, G.; Benitez Montiel, C.; Cervera-Villanueva, A.; De Romeri, V.; Garcia-Peris, M.A.; Lopez March, N.; Martin-Albo, J.; Martinez Mirave, P.; Mena, O.; Molina Bueno, L.; Novella, P.; Pompa, F.; Rocabado Rocha, J.L.; Sorel, M.; Soto-Oton, J.; Tortola, M.; Tuzi, M.; Valle, J.W.F.; Yahlali, N. Impact of cross-section uncertainties on supernova neutrino spectral parameter fitting in the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment 2023 Physical Review D 107 112012 - 25pp
DUNE Collaboration (Abud, A.A. et al); Amedo, P.; Antonova, M.; Barenboim, G.; Cervera-Villanueva, A.; De Romeri, V.; Garcia-Peris, M.A.; Martin-Albo, J.; Martinez-Mirave, P.; Mena, O.; Molina Bueno, L.; Novella, P.; Pompa, F.; Rocabado Rocha, J.L.; Sorel, M.; Tortola, M.; Tuzi, M.; Valle, J.W.F.; Yahlali, N. Highly-parallelized simulation of a pixelated LArTPC on a GPU 2023 Journal of Instrumentation 18 P04034 - 35pp
NA64 Collaboration (Andreev, Y.M. et al); Molina Bueno, L.; Tuzi, M. First constraints on the Lμ – Lτ explanation of the muon g-2 anomaly from NA64-e at CERN 2024 Journal of High Energy Physics 07 212 - 15pp
NA64 Collaboration (Andreev, Y.M. et al); Molina Bueno, L.; Tuzi, M. Probing light dark matter with positron beams at NA64 2024 Physical Review D 109 L031103 - 6pp
NA64 Collaboration (Andreev, Y.M. et al); Molina Bueno, L.; Tuzi, M. Shedding light on dark sectors with high-energy muons at the NA64 experiment at the CERN SPS 2024 Physical Review D 110 112015 - 23pp
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