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Briz, J.A.; Borge, M.J.G.; Rubio, B.; Agramunt, J.; Algora, A.; Deo, A.Y.; Estevez Aguado, M.E.; Farrelly, G.; Fraile, L.M.; Gelletly, W.; Maira, A.; Nacher, E.; Perea, A.; Podolyak, Z.; Poves, A.; Sarriguren, P.; Tengblad, O. Clarifying the structure of low-lying states in Br-72 2022 Physical Review C 105 014323 - 17pp
Briz, J.A.; Nacher, E.; Borge, M.J.G.; Algora, A.; Rubio, B.; Dessagne, P.; Maira, A.; Cano-Ott, D.; Courtin, S.; Escrig, D.; Fraile, L.M.; Gelletly, W.; Jungclaus, A.; Le Scornet, G.; Marechal, F.; Miehe, C.; Poirier, E.; Poves, A.; Sarriguren, P.; Tain, J.L.; Tengblad, O. Shape study of the N = Z nucleus Kr-72 via beta decay 2015 Physical Review C 92 054326 - 10pp
Briz, J.A.; Nerio, A.N.; Ballesteros, C.; Borge, M.J.G.; Martinez, P.; Perea, A.; Tavora, V.G.; Tengblad, O.; Ciemala, M.; Maj, A.; Olko, P.; Parol, W.; Pedracka, A.; Sowicki, B.; Zieblinski, M.; Nacher, E. Proton Radiographs Using Position-Sensitive Silicon Detectors and High-Resolution Scintillators 2022 IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 69 696-702
Mach, H.; Lindroth, A.; Ruchowska, E.; Kvasil, J.; Fogelberg, B.; Gulda, K.; Aas, A.J.; Borge, M.J.G.; Grant, I.S.; Hagebo, E.; Kurcewicz, W.; Martinez, T.; Rubio, B.; Smith, J.F.; Steffensen, K.; Tain, J.L.; Tengblad, O.; Thorsteinsen, T.F. On the enhanced E1 transitions in the K=3/2 parity doublet band in Ra-223 2016 European Physical Journal A 52 172 - 10pp
Magro Hernandez, R.M.; Muñoz-Noval, A.; Briz, J.A.; Murias, J.R.; Espinosa-Rodríguez, A.; Fraile, L.M.; Agullo-Rueda, F.; Ynsa, M.D.; Tavares de Sousa, C.; Cortes-Llanos, B.; Garcia Lopez, G.; Nacher, E.; Garcia-Tavora, V.; Mont i Geli, N.; Nerio, A.; Onecha, V.V.; Pallas, M.; Tarifeño, A.; Tengblad, O.; Manso Silvan, M.; Viñals, S. Iodine-substituted hydroxyapatite nanoparticles and activation of derived ceramics for range verification in proton therapy 2024 Journal of Materials Chemistry B 12 12030-12037
Nacher, E.; Briz, J.A.; Nerio, A.N.; Perea, A.; Tavora, V.G.; Tengblad, O.; Ciemala, M.; Cieplicka-Orynczak, N.; Maj, A.; Mazurek, K.; Olko, P.; Zieblinski, M.; Borge, M.J.G. Characterization of a novel proton-CT scanner based on Silicon and LaBr3(Ce) detectors 2024 European Physical Journal Plus 139 404 - 9pp
Perez-Cerdan, A.B.; Rubio, B.; Gelletly, W.; Algora, A.; Agramunt, J.; Nacher, E.; Tain, J.L.; Sarriguren, P.; Fraile, L.M.; Borge, M.J.G.; Caballero, L.; Dessagne, P.; Jungclaus, A.; Heitz, G.; Marechal, F.; Poirier, E.; Salsac, M.D.; Tengblad, O. Deformation of Sr and Rb isotopes close to the N = Z line via beta-decay studies using the total absorption technique 2013 Physical Review C 88 014324 - 15pp
Viñals, S.; Nacher, E.; Tengblad, O.; Borge, M.J.G.; Briz, J.A.; Gad, A.; Munch, M.; Perea, A. Calibration and response function of a compact silicon-detector set-up for charged-particle spectroscopy using GEANT4 2021 European Physical Journal A 57 49 - 9pp
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