Author  |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Abreu, L.M.; Navarra, F.S.; Nielsen, M.; Vieira, H.P.L. |
Multiplicity of Z(cs)(3985) in heavy ion collisions |
2023 |
Physical Review D |
107 |
114013 - 9pp |
Aceti, F.; Bayar, M.; Oset, E.; Martinez Torres, A.; Khemchandani, K.P.; Dias, J.M.; Navarra, F.S.; Nielsen, M. |
Prediction of an I=1 D(D)over-bar* state and relationship to the claimed Z(c)(3900), Z(c)(3885) |
2014 |
Physical Review D |
90 |
016003 - 13pp |
Albaladejo, M.; Nielsen, M.; Oset, E. |
Ds0*(+/-)(2317) and K D scattering from Bs(0) decay |
2015 |
Physics Letters B |
746 |
305-310 |
Capozzi, F.; Chakraborty, M.; Chakraborty, S.; Sen, M. |
Supernova fast flavor conversions in 1+1D: Influence of mu-tau neutrinos |
2022 |
Physical Review D |
106 |
083011 - 9pp |
Dias, J.M.; Navarra, F.S.; Nielsen, M.; Oset, E. |
f(0)(980) production in D-s(+)-> pi(+) pi(+) pi(-) and D-s(+) -> pi(+) K+ K- decays |
2016 |
Physical Review D |
94 |
096002 - 8pp |
Hansen, M.T.; Romero-Lopez, F.; Sharpe, S.R. |
Decay amplitudes to three hadrons from finite-volume matrix elements |
2021 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
04 |
113 - 44pp |
Hansen, M.T.; Romero-Lopez, F.; Sharpe, S.R. |
Generalizing the relativistic quantization condition to include all three-pion isospin channels |
2020 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
07 |
047 - 49pp |
Huang, G.Y.; Lindner, M.; Martinez-Mirave, P.; Sen, M. |
Cosmology-friendly time-varying neutrino masses via the sterile neutrino portal |
2022 |
Physical Review D |
106 |
033004 - 18pp |
IceCube Collaboration (Aartsen, M.G. et al); Salvado, J. |
Searches for Sterile Neutrinos with the IceCube Detector |
2016 |
Physical Review Letters |
117 |
071801 - 9pp |
Liddick, S.N.; Spyrou, A.; Crider, B.P.; Naqvi, F.; Larsen, A.C.; Guttormsen, M.; Mumpower, M.; Surman, R.; Perdikakis, G.; Bleuel, D.L.; Couture, A.; Campo, L.C.; Dombos, A.C.; Lewis, R.; Mosby, S.; Nikas, S.; Prokop, C.J.; Renstrom, T.; Rubio, B.; Siem, S.; Quinn, S.J. |
Experimental Neutron Capture Rate Constraint Far from Stability |
2016 |
Physical Review Letters |
116 |
242502 - 6pp |