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Caporale, F.; Chachamis, G.; Madrigal, J.D.; Murdaca, B.; Sabio Vera, A. A study of the diffusion pattern in N=4 SYM at high energies 2013 Physics Letters B 724 127-132
Chachamis, G.; Deak, M.; Hentschinski, M.; Rodrigo, G.; Sabio Vera, A. Single bottom quark production in kT-factorisation 2015 Journal of High Energy Physics 09 123 - 17pp
Chachamis, G.; Hentschinski, M.; Madrigal Martinez, J.D.; Sabio Vera, A. Forward jet production and quantum corrections to the gluon Regge trajectory from Lipatov's high energy effective action 2014 Physics of Particles and Nuclei 45 788-799
Chachamis, G.; Hentschinski, M.; Madrigal Martinez, J.D.; Sabio Vera, A. Gluon Regge trajectory at two loops from Lipatov's high energy effective action 2013 Nuclear Physics B 876 453-472
Chachamis, G.; Hentschinski, M.; Madrigal Martinez, J.D.; Sabio Vera, A. Next-to-leading order corrections to the gluon-induced forward jet vertex from the high energy effective action 2013 Physical Review D 87 076009 - 11pp
Chachamis, G.; Sabio Vera, A.; Salas, C. Bootstrap and momentum transfer dependence in small x evolution equations 2013 Physical Review D 87 016007 - 6pp
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