Author  |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Perez-Ramos, R. |
The Internal Structure Of Jets At Colliders: Light And Heavy Quark Inclusive Hadronic Distributions |
2011 |
International Journal of Modern Physics E |
20 |
1616-1622 |
Perez-Ramos, R.; Mathieu, V. |
Collimation of energy in medium-modified QCD jets |
2013 |
Physics Letters B |
718 |
1421-1424 |
Perez-Ramos, R.; Mathieu, V.; Sanchis-Lozano, M.A. |
Three-particle correlations in QCD jets and beyond |
2011 |
Journal of Physics G |
38 |
115007 - 34pp |
Perez-Ramos, R.; Mathieu, V.; Sanchis-Lozano, M.A. |
Three-particle correlations in QCD parton showers |
2011 |
Physical Review D |
84 |
034015 - 7pp |
Perez-Ramos, R.; Mathieu, V.; Sanchis-Lozano, M.A. |
Heavy quark flavour dependence of multiparticle production in QCD jets |
2010 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
08 |
047 - 24pp |
Perez-Ramos, R.; Sanchis-Lozano, M.A.; Sarkisyan-Grinbaum, E.K. |
Searching for hidden matter with long-range angular correlations at e(+)e(-) colliders |
2022 |
Physical Review D |
105 |
053001 - 8pp |