Author  |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Bertoldo, S.; Maggioni, G.; Raniero, W.; Carraro, C.; Riccetto, S.; Sgarbossa, F.; Scarpa, D.; Andrighetto, A.; Mazzolari, A.; Gadea, A.; Napoli, D.R.; Napolitani, E.; De Salvador, D. |
New method for the production of thin and stable, segmented n plus contacts in HPGe detectors |
2021 |
European Physical Journal A |
57 |
177 - 10pp |
Bizzeti, P.G.; Sona, P.; Michelagnoli, C.; Melon, B.; Bazzacco, D.; Farnea, E.; Bizzeti-Sona, A.M.; de Angelis, G.; Gadea, A.; Gottardo, A.; Lunardi, S.; Menegazzo, R.; Mengoni, D.; Nannini, A.; Napoli, D.R.; Perego, A.; Recchia, F.; Sahin, E.; Valiente-Dobon, J.J.; Ur, C.A. |
Analyzing power of AGATA triple clusters for gamma-ray linear polarization |
2015 |
European Physical Journal A |
51 |
49 - 11pp |
Goasduff, A.; Valiente-Dobon, J.J.; Lunardi, S.; Haas, F.; Gadea, A.; de Angelis, G.; Bazzacco, D.; Courtin, S.; Farnea, E.; Gottardo, A.; Michelagnoli, C.; Mengoni, D.; Napoli, D.R.; Recchia, F.; Sahin, E.; Ur, C.A. |
Counting rate measurements for lifetime experiments using the RDDS method with the new generation gamma-ray array AGATA |
2014 |
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A |
758 |
1-3 |
Marginean, R.; Rusu, C.; Marginean, N.; Bucurescu, D.; Ur, C.A.; de Angelis, G.; Axiotis, M.; Bazzacco, D.; Farnea, E.; Gadea, A.; Ionescu-Bujor, M.; Iordachescu, A.; Krolas, W.; Kroll, T.; Lenzi, S.M.; Lunardi, S.; Napoli, D.R.; Alvarez, C.R.; Wrzesinski, J. |
High-spin structure of Pd-95 |
2012 |
Physical Review C |
86 |
034339 - 9pp |
Modamio, V.; Jungclaus, A.; Algora, A.; Bazzacco, D.; Escrig, D.; Fraile, L.M.; Lenzi, S.; Marginean, N.; Martinez, T.; Napoli, D.R.; Schwengner, R.; Ur, C.A. |
New high-spin isomer and quasiparticle-vibration coupling in Ir-187 |
2010 |
Physical Review C |
81 |
054304 - 13pp |
Steinhardt, T.; Eberth, J.; Skoda, S.; Thelen, O.; Schwengner, R.; Donau, F.; Plettner, C.; Schnare, H.; de Angelis, G.; Napoli, D.R.; Farnea, E.; Gadea, A.; Jungclaus, A.; Lieb, K.P.; Wadsworth, R. |
Stabilization of prolate deformation at high spin in Kr-75 |
2012 |
Physical Review C |
86 |
064310 - 16pp |