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Baron, R.; Boucaud, P.; Carbonell, J.; Deuzeman, A.; Drach, V.; Farchioni, F.; Gimenez, V.; Herdoiza, G.; Jansen, K.; McNeile, C.; Michael, C.; Montvay, I.; Palao, D.; Pallante, E.; Pene, O.; Urbach, C.; Wagner, M.; Wenger, U. Light hadrons from lattice QCD with light (u, d), strange and charm dynamical quarks 2010 Journal of High Energy Physics 06 111 - 31pp
Baron, R.; Boucaud, P.; Dimopoulos, P.; Frezzotti, R.; Palao, D.; Rossi, G.; Farchioni, F.; Munster, G.; Sudmann, T.; Gimenez, V.; Herdoiza, G.; Jansen, K.; Lubicz, V.; Simula, S.; Michael, C.; Scorzato, L.; Shindler, A.; Urbach, C.; Wenger, U. Light meson physics from maximally twisted mass lattice QCD 2010 Journal of High Energy Physics 08 097 - 41pp
Catumba, G.; Hiraguchi, A.; Hou, W.S.; Jansen, K.; Kao, Y.J.; Lin, C.J.D.; Ramos, A.; Sarkar, M. Lattice study of SU(2) gauge theory coupled to four adjoint Higgs fields 2024 Physical Review Research 6 043172 - 12pp
Clemente, G.; Crippa, A.; Jansen, K.; Ramirez-Uribe, S.; Renteria-Olivo, A.E.; Rodrigo, G.; Sborlini, G.F.R.; Vale Silva, L. Variational quantum eigensolver for causal loop Feynman diagrams and directed acyclic graphs 2023 Physical Review D 108 096035 - 19pp
Constantinou, M.; Dimopoulos, P.; Frezzotti, R.; Jansen, K.; Gimenez, V.; Lubicz, V.; Mescia, F.; Panagopoulos, H.; Papinutto, M.; Rossi, G.C.; Simula, S.; Skouroupathis, A.; Stylianou, F.; Vladikas, A. B-K-parameter from N-f=2 twisted mass lattice QCD 2011 Physical Review D 83 014505 - 20pp
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