Author  |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
AGATA Collaboration (Akkoyun, S. et al); Algora, A.; Barrientos, D.; Domingo-Pardo, C.; Egea, F.J.; Gadea, A.; Huyuk, T.; Kaci, M.; Mendez, V.; Rubio, B.; Salt, J.; Tain, J.L. |
AGATA-Advanced GAmma Tracking Array |
2012 |
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A |
668 |
26-58 |
AGATA Collaboration (Cederwall, B. et al); Gadea, A.; Jurado, M.; Domingo-Pardo, C.; Huyuk, T.; Perez-Vidal, R.M. |
Isospin Properties of Nuclear Pair Correlations from the Level Structure of the Self-Conjugate Nucleus Ru-88 |
2020 |
Physical Review Letters |
124 |
062501 - 6pp |
AGATA Collaboration (Liu, X. et al); Gadea, A.; Jurado, M.; Domingo-Pardo, C.; Huyuk, T.; Perez-Vidal, R.M. |
Evidence for spherical-oblate shape coexistence in Tc-87 |
2022 |
Physical Review C |
106 |
034304 - 6pp |
AGATA Collaboration (Liu, X. et al); Gadea, A.; Jurado, M.; Domingo-Pardo, C.; Huyuk, T.; Perez-Vidal, R.M. |
Evidence for enhanced neutron-proton correlations from the level structure of the N = Z+1 nucleus Tc-87(43)44 |
2021 |
Physical Review C |
104 |
L021302 - 5pp |
AGATA Collaboration (Louchart, C. et al); Gadea, A.; Huyuk, T. |
Collective nature of low-lying excitations in 70,72,74Zn from lifetime measurements using the AGATA spectrometer demonstrator |
2013 |
Physical Review C |
87 |
054302 - 10pp |
AGATA Collaboration (Modamio, V. et al); Gadea, A.; Algora, A.; Huyuk, T. |
Lifetime measurements in neutron-rich Co-63,Co-65 isotopes using the AGATA demonstrator |
2013 |
Physical Review C |
88 |
044326 - 6pp |
AGATA Collaboration (Sahin, E. et al); Gadea, A.; Huyuk, T. |
Shell evolution beyond N=40: Cu-69,Cu-71,Cu-73 |
2015 |
Physical Review C |
91 |
034302 - 9pp |
Aliaga, R.J.; Herrero-Bosch, V.; Capra, S.; Pullia, A.; Duenas, J.A.; Grassi, L.; Triossi, A.; Domingo-Pardo, C.; Gadea, R.; Gonzalez, V.; Huyuk, T.; Sanchis, E.; Gadea, A.; Mengoni, D. |
Conceptual design of the TRACE detector readout using a compact, dead time-less analog memory ASIC |
2015 |
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A |
800 |
34-39 |
Aydin, S. et al; Gadea, A.; Huyuk, T. |
High-spin states and lifetimes in S-33 and shell-model interpretation in the sd-fp space |
2017 |
Physical Review C |
96 |
024315 - 10pp |
Aydin, S. et al; Gadea, A.; Huyuk, T. |
High-spin level structure of S-35 |
2014 |
Physical Review C |
89 |
014310 - 9pp |