Author  |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Hinarejos, M.; Bañuls, M.C.; Perez, A. |
Wigner formalism for a particle on an infinite lattice: dynamics and spin |
2015 |
New Journal of Physics |
17 |
013037 - 16pp |
Hinarejos, M.; Bañuls, M.C.; Perez, A. |
A Study of Wigner Functions for Discrete-Time Quantum Walks |
2013 |
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience |
10 |
1626-1633 |
Hinarejos, M.; Bañuls, M.C.; Perez, A.; de Vega, I. |
Non-Markovianity and memory of the initial state |
2017 |
Journal of Physics A |
50 |
335301 - 17pp |
Hinarejos, M.; Di Franco, C.; Romanelli, A.; Perez, A. |
Chirality asymptotic behavior and non-Markovianity in quantum walks on a line |
2014 |
Physical Review A |
89 |
052330 - 7pp |
Hinarejos, M.; Perez, A.; Bañuls, M.C. |
Wigner function for a particle in an infinite lattice |
2012 |
New Journal of Physics |
14 |
103009 - 19pp |
Hinarejos, M.; Perez, A.; Roldan, E.; Romanelli, A.; de Valcarcel, G.J. |
Understanding and controlling N-dimensional quantum walks via dispersion relations: application to the two-dimensional and three-dimensional Grover walks-diabolical points and more |
2013 |
New Journal of Physics |
15 |
073041 - 31pp |