Author  |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Boucenna, S.M.; Fonseca, R.M.; Gonzalez-Canales, F.; Valle, J.W.F. |
Small neutrino masses and gauge coupling unification |
2015 |
Physical Review D |
91 |
031702 - 5pp |
Chen, P.; Ding, G.J.; Gonzalez-Canales, F.; Valle, J.W.F. |
Classifying CP transformations according to their texture zeros: Theory and implications |
2016 |
Physical Review D |
94 |
033002 - 26pp |
Chen, P.; Ding, G.J.; Gonzalez-Canales, F.; Valle, J.W.F. |
Generalized mu-tau reflection symmetry and leptonic CP violation |
2016 |
Physics Letters B |
753 |
644-652 |
Felix-Beltran, O.; Gonzalez-Canales, F.; Hernandez-Sanchez, J.; Moretti, S.; Noriega-Papaqui, R.; Rosado, A. |
Analysis of the quark sector in the 2HDM with a four-zero Yukawa texture using the most recent data on the CKM matrix |
2015 |
Physics Letters B |
742 |
347-352 |
Gomez-Izquierdo, J.C.; Gonzalez-Canales, F.; Mondragon, M. |
Q(6) as the flavor symmetry in a non-minimal SUSY SU(5) model |
2015 |
European Physical Journal C |
75 |
221 - 16pp |