Author  |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Barenboim, G.; Calatayud-Cadenillas, A.M.; Gago, A.M.; Ternes, C.A. |
Quantum decoherence effects on precision measurements at DUNE and T2HK |
2024 |
Physics Letters B |
852 |
138626 - 11pp |
Barenboim, G.; Gago, A.M. |
Quantum decoherence effects: A complete treatment |
2024 |
Physical Review D |
110 |
095005 - 9pp |
Bustamante, M.; Gago, A.M.; Jones Perez, J. |
SUSY renormalization group effects in ultra high energy neutrinos |
2011 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
05 |
133 - 26pp |
Bustamante, M.; Gago, A.M.; Pena-Garay, C. |
Energy-independent new physics in the flavour ratios of high-energy astrophysical neutrinos |
2010 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
04 |
066 - 28pp |
Gago, A.M.; Hernandez, P.; Jones-Perez, J.; Losada, M.; Moreno Briceño, A. |
Probing the Type I Seesaw mechanism with displaced vertices at the LHC |
2015 |
European Physical Journal C |
75 |
470 - 10pp |