Author  |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Barducci, D.; Bertuzzo, E.; Caputo, A.; Hernandez, P. |
Minimal flavor violation in the see-saw portal |
2020 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
06 |
185 - 28pp |
Barducci, D.; Bertuzzo, E.; Caputo, A.; Hernandez, P.; Mele, B. |
The see-saw portal at future Higgs Factories |
2021 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
03 |
117 - 32pp |
Blas, D.; Caputo, A.; Ivanov, M.M.; Sberna, L. |
No chiral light bending by clumps of axion-like particles |
2020 |
Physics of the Dark Universe |
27 |
100428 - 4pp |
Bloch, I.M.; Caputo, A.; Essig, R.; Redigolo, D.; Sholapurkar, M.; Volansky, T. |
Exploring new physics with O(keV) electron recoils in direct detection experiments |
2021 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
01 |
178 - 63pp |
Caputo, A. |
Radiative axion inflation |
2019 |
Physics Letters B |
797 |
134824 - 7pp |
Caputo, A.; Esposito, A.; Geoffray, E.; Polosa, A.D.; Sun, S.C. |
Dark matter, dark photon and superfluid He-4 from effective field theory |
2020 |
Physics Letters B |
802 |
135258 - 6pp |
Caputo, A.; Esposito, A.; Polosa, A.D. |
Sub-MeV dark matter and the Goldstone modes of superfluid helium |
2019 |
Physical Review D |
100 |
116007 - 6pp |
Caputo, A.; Hernandez, P.; Kekic, M.; Lopez-Pavon, J.; Salvado, J. |
The seesaw path to leptonic CP violation |
2017 |
European Physical Journal C |
77 |
258 - 7pp |
Caputo, A.; Hernandez, P.; Lopez-Pavon, J.; Salvado, J. |
The seesaw portal in testable models of neutrino masses |
2017 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
06 |
112 - 20pp |
Caputo, A.; Hernandez, P.; Rius, N. |
Leptogenesis from oscillations and dark matter |
2019 |
European Physical Journal C |
79 |
574 - 17pp |