Author  |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Baglio, J.; Campanario, F.; Chen, T.H.; Dietrich-Siebert, H.; Figy, T.; Kerner, M.; Kubocz, M.; Le, D.N.; Löschner, M.; Plätzer, S.; Rauch, M.; Rosario, I.; Roth, R.; Zeppenfeld, D. |
Release note: VBFNLO 3.0 |
2024 |
European Physical Journal C |
84 |
1003 - 21pp |
Baglio, J.; Campanario, F.; Glaus, S.; Mühlleitner, M.; Ronca, J.; Spira, M. |
Full NLO QCD predictions for Higgs-pair production in the 2-Higgs-doublet model |
2023 |
European Physical Journal C |
83 |
826 - 14pp |
Baglio, J.; Campanario, F.; Glaus, S.; Muhlleitner, M.; Ronca, J.; Spira, M. |
gg -> HH: Combined uncertainties |
2021 |
Physical Review D |
103 |
056002 - 5pp |
Baglio, J.; Campanario, F.; Glaus, S.; Muhlleitner, M.; Ronca, J.; Spira, M.; Streicher, J. |
Higgs-pair production via gluon fusion at hadron colliders: NLO QCD corrections |
2020 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
04 |
181-50pp |
Baglio, J.; Campanario, F.; Glaus, S.; Muhlleitner, M.; Spira, M.; Streicher, J. |
Gluon fusion into Higgs pairs at NLO QCD and the top mass scheme |
2019 |
European Physical Journal C |
79 |
459 - 9pp |
Bozzi, G.; Campanario, F.; Hankele, V.; Zeppenfeld, D. |
Next-to-leading order QCD corrections to W+W-gamma and ZZ gamma production with leptonic decays |
2010 |
Physical Review D |
81 |
094030 - 7pp |
Campanario, F.; Czyz, H.; Gluza, J.; Gunia, M.; Riemann, T.; Rodrigo, G.; Yundin, V. |
Complete QED NLO contributions to the reaction e(+)e(-) -> mu(+)mu(-)gamma and their implementation in the event generator PHOKHARA |
2014 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
02 |
114 - 27pp |
Campanario, F.; Czyz, H.; Gluza, J.; Jelinski, T.; Rodrigo, G.; Tracz, S.; Zhuridov, D. |
Standard model radiative corrections in the pion form factor measurements do not explain the a(mu) anomaly |
2019 |
Physical Review D |
100 |
076004 - 5pp |
Campanario, F.; Figy, T.M.; Platzer, S.; Rauch, M.; Schichtel, P.; Sjodahl, M. |
Stress testing the vector-boson-fusion approximation in multijet final states |
2018 |
Physical Review D |
98 |
033003 - 7pp |
Campanario, F.; Figy, T.M.; Platzer, S.; Sjodahl, M. |
Electroweak Higgs Boson Plus Three Jet Production at Next-to-Leading-Order QCD |
2013 |
Physical Review Letters |
111 |
211802 - 4pp |