Author  |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Barenboim, G.; Bosch, C. |
Composite states of two right-handed neutrinos |
2016 |
Physical Review D |
94 |
116019 - 10pp |
Barenboim, G.; Bosch, C.; Lee, J.S.; Lopez-Ibañez, M.L.; Vives, O. |
Flavor-changing Higgs boson decays into bottom and strange quarks in supersymmetric models |
2015 |
Physical Review D |
92 |
095017 - 15pp |
Barenboim, G.; Bosch, C.; Lopez-Ibañez, M.L.; Vives, O. |
Improved tau-lepton tools for Higgs boson hunting |
2014 |
Physical Review D |
90 |
015003 - 14pp |
Barenboim, G.; Bosch, C.; Lopez-Ibañez, M.L.; Vives, O. |
Eviction of a 125 GeV “heavy”-Higgs from the MSSM |
2013 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
11 |
051 - 39pp |
Norena, J.; Verde, L.; Barenboim, G.; Bosch, C. |
Prospects for constraining the shape of non-Gaussianity with the scale-dependent bias |
2012 |
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics |
08 |
019 - 16pp |