Author  |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Acero, M.A. et al; Alvarez-Ruso, L.; Garcia-Soto, A.; Nieves, J.; Zornoza, J.D. |
White paper on light sterile neutrino searches and related phenomenology |
2024 |
Journal of Physics G |
51 |
120501 - 214pp |
Alarcon, J.M.; Martin Camalich, J.; Oller, J.A.; Alvarez-Ruso, L. |
pi N scattering in relativistic baryon chiral perturbation theory reexamined |
2011 |
Physical Review C |
83 |
055205 - 14pp |
Alvarado, F.; Alvarez-Ruso, L. |
Light-quark mass dependence of the nucleon axial charge and pion-nucleon scattering phenomenology |
2022 |
Physical Review D |
105 |
074001 - 13pp |
Alvarado, F.; Alvarez-Ruso, L.; Hernandez, E.; Nieves, J.; Penalva, N. |
The Λc → Λ ℓ+ ν ℓ weak decay including new physics |
2024 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
10 |
137 - 24pp |
Alvarado, F.; An, D.; Alvarez-Ruso, L.; Leupold, S. |
Light quark mass dependence of nucleon electromagnetic form factors in dispersively modified chiral perturbation theory |
2023 |
Physical Review D |
108 |
114021 - 23pp |
Alvarez-Ruso, L. et al; Nieves, J. |
NuSTEC White Paper: Status and challenges of neutrino-nucleus scattering |
2018 |
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics |
100 |
1-68 |
Alvarez-Ruso, L.; Graczyk, K.M.; Saul-Sala, E. |
Nucleon axial form factor from a Bayesian neural-network analysis of neutrino-scattering data |
2019 |
Physical Review C |
99 |
025204 - 14pp |
Alvarez-Ruso, L.; Hayato, Y.; Nieves, J. |
Progress and open questions in the physics of neutrino cross sections at intermediate energies |
2014 |
New Journal of Physics |
16 |
075015 - 62pp |
Alvarez-Ruso, L.; Hernandez, E.; Nieves, J.; Vicente Vacas, M.J. |
Watson's theorem and the N Delta(1232) axial transition |
2016 |
Physical Review D |
93 |
014016 - 16pp |
Alvarez-Ruso, L.; Ledwig, T.; Martin Camalich, J.; Vicente Vacas, M.J. |
Nucleon mass and pion-nucleon sigma term from a chiral analysis of lattice QCD data |
2013 |
Physical Review D |
88 |
054507 - 20pp |