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Abreu, L.M.; Dai, L.R.; Oset, E. J/Psi decay to omega, phi, K*0 plus f0(1370), f0(1710), K0*(1430), f2(1270), f'2 (1525) and K2*(1430): Role of the D-wave for tensor production 2023 Physics Letters B 843 137999 - 10pp details   doi
Aceti, F.; Xie, J.J.; Oset, E. The K(K)over-bar pi decay of the f(1) (1285) and its nature as a K*(K)over-bar – cc molecule 2015 Physics Letters B 750 609-614 details   doi
Addazi, A.; Marciano, A.; Morais, A.P.; Pasechnik, R.; Srivastava, R.; Valle, J.W.F. Gravitational footprints of massive neutrinos and lepton number breaking 2020 Physics Letters B 807 135577 - 8pp details   doi
Addazi, A.; Valle, J.W.F.; Vaquera-Araujo, C.A. String completion of an SU(3)(c) x SU(3)(L) x U(1)(X) electroweak model 2016 Physics Letters B 759 471-478 details   doi
AGATA Collaboration (Avigo, R. et al); Domingo-Pardo, C.; Gadea, A.; Gonzalez, V. Low-lying electric dipole gamma-continuum for the unstable Fe-62(,)64 nuclei: Strength evolution with neutron number 2020 Physics Letters B 811 135951 - 6pp details   doi
AGATA Collaboration (Pellegri, L. et al); Gadea, A. Pygmy dipole resonance in Sn-124 populated by inelastic scattering of O-17 2014 Physics Letters B 738 519-523 details   doi
AGATA Collaboration (Siciliano, M. et al); Gadea, A.; Perez-Vidal, R.M.; Domingo-Pardo, C. Pairing-quadrupole interplay in the neutron-deficient tin nuclei: First lifetime measurements of low-lying states in Sn-106,Sn-108 2020 Physics Letters B 806 135474 - 7pp details   doi
Aguilar, A.C.; De Soto, F.; Ferreira, M.N.; Papavassiliou, J.; Pinto-Gomez, F.; Roberts, C.D.; Rodriguez-Quintero, J. Schwinger mechanism for gluons from lattice QCD 2023 Physics Letters B 841 137906 - 8pp details   doi
Aguilar, A.C.; De Soto, F.; Ferreira, M.N.; Papavassiliou, J.; Rodriguez-Quintero, J. Infrared facets of the three-gluon vertex 2021 Physics Letters B 818 136352 - 7pp details   doi
Albaladejo, M. T-cc(+) coupled channel analysis and predictions 2022 Physics Letters B 829 137052 - 13pp details   doi
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