Author  |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Links |
T2K Collaboration (Abe, K. et al); Antonova, M.; Cervera-Villanueva, A.; Fernandez, P.; Izmaylov, A.; Novella, P. |
Measurement of neutrino and antineutrino neutral-current quasielasticlike interactions on oxygen by detecting nuclear deexcitation gamma rays |
2019 |
Physical Review D |
100 |
112009 - 19pp |
T2K Collaboration (Abe, K. et al); Antonova, M.; Cervera-Villanueva, A.; Fernandez, P.; Izmaylov, A.; Novella, P. |
Search for neutral-current induced single photon production at the ND280 near detector in T2K |
2019 |
Journal of Physics G |
46 |
08LT01 - 16pp |
Stadler, J.; Boehm, C.; Mena, O. |
Comprehensive study of neutrino-dark matter mixed damping |
2019 |
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics |
08 |
014 - 23pp |
Soderstrom, P.A. et al; Agramunt, J.; Egea, J.; Gadea, A.; Huyuk, T. |
Neutron detection and gamma-ray suppression using artificial neural networks with the liquid scintillators BC-501A and BC-537 |
2019 |
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A |
916 |
238-245 |
Sobczyk, J.E.; Rocco, N.; Nieves, J. |
Polarization of tau in quasielastic (anti)neutrino scattering: The role of spectral functions |
2019 |
Physical Review C |
100 |
035501 - 14pp |
Sobczyk, J.E.; Rocco, N.; Lovato, A.; Nieves, J. |
Weak production of strange and charmed ground-state baryons in nuclei |
2019 |
Physical Review C |
99 |
065503 - 16pp |
Sierra, D.A.; De Romeri, V.; Rojas, N. |
CP violating effects in coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering processes |
2019 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
09 |
069 - 22pp |
Romero-Lopez, F.; Sharpe, S.R.; Blanton, T.D.; Briceno, R.A.; Hansen, M.T. |
Numerical exploration of three relativistic particles in a finite volume including two-particle resonances and bound states |
2019 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
10 |
007 - 43pp |
Rojas, N.; Srivastava, R.; Valle, J.W.F. |
Simplest scoto-seesaw mechanism |
2019 |
Physics Letters B |
789 |
132-136 |
Rocha-Moran, P.; Vicente, A. |
Lepton flavor violation in a Z ' model for the b -> s anomalies |
2019 |
Physical Review D |
99 |
035016 - 10pp |