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Author Title Year Publication Volume Pages (down)
Vicente, A. Anomalies in b -> s transitions and dark matter 2018 Advances in High Energy Physics 2018 3905848 - 11pp
Bordes, J.; Chan, H.M.; Tsun, S.S. A closer study of the framed standard model yielding testable new physics plus a hidden sector with dark matter candidates 2018 International Journal of Modern Physics A 33 1850195 - 75pp
Bordes, J.; Hong-Mo, C.; Tsun, T.S. The Z boson in the framed standard model 2018 International Journal of Modern Physics A 33 1850190 - 19pp
Ghosh, P.; Lara, I.; Lopez-Fogliani, D.E.; Muñoz, C.; Ruiz de Austri, R. Searching for left sneutrino LSP at the LHC 2018 International Journal of Modern Physics A 33 1850110 - 62pp
Izadi, A.; Shacker, S.S.; Olmo, G.J.; Banerjee, R. Observational effects of varying speed of light in quadratic gravity cosmological models 2018 International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 15 1850084 - 16pp
Chun, E.J.; Cvetic, G.; Dev, P.S.B.; Drewes, M.; Fong, C.S.; Garbrecht, B.; Hambye, T.; Harz, J.; Hernandez, P.; Kim, C.S.; Molinaro, E.; Nardi, E.; Racker, J.; Rius, N.; Zamora-Saa, J. Probing leptogenesis 2018 International Journal of Modern Physics A 33 1842005 - 99pp
Drewes, M.; Garbrecht, B.; Hernandez, P.; Kekic, M.; Lopez-Pavon, J.; Racker, J.; Rius, N.; Salvado, J.; Teresi, D. ARS leptogenesis 2018 International Journal of Modern Physics A 33 1842002 - 46pp
Bordes, J.; Hong-Mo, C.; Tsun, T.S. Generation patterns, modified gamma – Z mixing, and hidden sector with dark matter candidates as framed standard model results 2018 International Journal of Modern Physics A 33 1830034 - 23pp
LHCb Collaboration (Aaij, R. et al); Garcia Martin, L.M.; Henry, L.; Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Remon Alepuz, C.; Ruiz Valls, P.; Ruiz Vidal, J.; Sanchez Mayordomo, C. Amplitude Analysis of the Decay (B)over-bar(0 )-> K-S(0)pi(+)pi(- )and First Observation of the CP Asymmetry in (B)over-bar(0 )-> K* (892)(-)pi(+) 2018 Physical Review Letters 120 261801 - 10pp
BABAR and Belle Collaborations (Adachi, I.. et al); Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A. First Evidence for cos 2 beta > 0 and Resolution of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Quark-Mixing Unitarity Triangle Ambiguity 2018 Physical Review Letters 121 261801 - 11pp