Author |
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Year |
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Alarcon, J.M.; Hiller Blin, A.N.; Vicente Vacas, M.J.; Weiss, C. |
Peripheral transverse densities of the baryon octet from chiral effective field theory and dispersion analysis |
2017 |
Nuclear Physics A |
964 |
18-54 |
Camarero, D.; de Azcarraga, J.A.; Izquierdo, J.M. |
Bosonic D=11 supergravity from a generalized Chern-Simons action |
2017 |
Nuclear Physics B |
923 |
633-652 |
ATLAS Collaboration (Aaboud, M. et al); Alvarez Piqueras, D.; Barranco Navarro, L.; Cabrera Urban, S.; Castillo Gimenez, V.; Cerda Alberich, L.; Costa, M.J.; Fernandez Martinez, P.; Ferrer, A.; Fiorini, L.; Fuster, J.; Garcia, C.; Garcia Navarro, J.E.; Gonzalez de la Hoz, S.; Higon-Rodriguez, E.; Jimenez Pena, J.; King, M.; Lacasta, C.; Mamuzic, J.; Marti-Garcia, S.; Melini, D.; Mitsou, V.A.; Pedraza Lopez, S.; Rodriguez Rodriguez, D.; Romero Adam, E.; Ros, E.; Salt, J.; Sanchez Martinez, V.; Soldevila, U.; Sanchez, J.; Valero, A.; Valls Ferrer, J.A.; Vos, M. |
High-E-T isolated-photon plus jets production in pp collisions at root s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector |
2017 |
Nuclear Physics B |
918 |
257-316 |
Diaz, M.A.; Koch, B.; Rojas, N. |
Non-renormalizable operators for solar neutrino mass generation in Split SuSy with bilinear R-parity violation |
2017 |
Nuclear Physics B |
916 |
402-413 |
Doncel, M.; Cederwall, B.; Gadea, A.; Gerl, J.; Kojouharov, I.; Martin, S.; Palit, R.; Quintana, B. |
Performance and imaging capabilities of the DEGAS high-resolution gamma-ray detector array for the DESPEC experiment at FAIR |
2017 |
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A |
873 |
36-38 |
Korichi, A.; Lauritsen, T.; Wilson, A.N.; Dudouet, J.; Clement, E.; Lalovic, N.; Perez-Vidal, R.M.; Pietri, S.; Ralet, D.; Stezowski, O. |
Performance of a gamma-ray tracking array: Characterizing the AGATA array using a Co-60 source |
2017 |
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A |
872 |
80-86 |
Garcia, A.R.; Mendoza, E.; Cano-Ott, D.; Nolte, R.; Martinez, T.; Algora, A.; Tain, J.L.; Banerjee, K.; Bhattacharya, C. |
New physics model in GEANT4 for the simulation of neutron interactions with organic scintillation detectors |
2017 |
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A |
868 |
73-81 |
AGATA Collaboration (Clement, E. et al); Domingo-Pardo, C.; Gadea, A.; Perez-Vidal, R.M.; Civera, J.V. |
Conceptual design of the AGATA 1 pi array at GANIL |
2017 |
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A |
855 |
1-12 |
Guadilla, V. et al; Algora, A.; Tain, J.L.; Agramunt, J.; Jordan, D.; Monserrate, M.; Montaner-Piza, A.; Orrigo, S.E.A.; Rubio, B.; Valencia, E. |
Characterization of a cylindrical plastic beta-detector with Monte Carlo simulations of optical photons |
2017 |
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A |
854 |
134-138 |
ANTARES, IceCube, Pierre Auger, LIGO Sci and VIRGO Collaborations (Albert, A. et al); Barrios-Marti, J.; Coleiro, A.; Hernandez-Rey, J.J.; Illuminati, G.; Lotze, M.; Tönnis, C.; Zornoza, J.D.; Zuñiga, J. |
Search for High-energy Neutrinos from Binary Neutron Star Merger GW170817 with ANTARES, IceCube, and the Pierre Auger Observatory |
2017 |
Astrophysical Journal Letters |
850 |
L35 - 18pp |