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Author Title Year Publication (down) Volume Pages
LHCb Collaboration (Aaij, R. et al); Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Ruiz Valls, P.; Sanchez Mayordomo, C. Observation of J/psi p Resonances Consistent with Pentaquark States in Lambda(0)(b) -> J/psi K(-)p Decays 2015 Physical Review Letters 115 072001 - 15pp
LHCb Collaboration (Aaij, R. et al); Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Ruiz Valls, P.; Sanchez Mayordomo, C. Measurement of the Ratio of Branching Fractions B((B)over-bar(0) -> D-*(+)tau(-)(nu)over-bar(tau))/B((B)over-bar(0) -> D-*(+)mu(-)(nu)over-bar(mu)) 2015 Physical Review Letters 115 111803 - 10pp
LHCb Collaboration (Aaij, R. et al); Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Ruiz Valls, P.; Sanchez Mayordomo, C. First Observation of Top Quark Production in the Forward Region 2015 Physical Review Letters 115 112001 - 10pp
BABAR and Belle Collaborations (Abdesselam, A. et al); Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A. First Observation of CP Violation in (B)over-bar(0) -> D(CP)((*))h(0) Decays by a Combined Time-Dependent Analysis of BABAR and Belle Data 2015 Physical Review Letters 115 121604 - 10pp
ATLAS Collaboration (Aad, G. et al); Alvarez Piqueras, D.; Cabrera Urban, S.; Castillo Gimenez, V.; Costa, M.J.; Fernandez Martinez, P.; Ferrer, A.; Fiorini, L.; Fuster, J.; Garcia, C.; Garcia Navarro, J.E.; Gonzalez de la Hoz, S.; Hernandez Jimenez, Y.; Higon-Rodriguez, E.; Irles Quiles, A.; Jimenez Pena, J.; Kaci, M.; King, M.; Lacasta, C.; Lacuesta, V.R.; Marti-Garcia, S.; Mitsou, V.A.; Moles-Valls, R.; Oliver Garcia, E.; Pedraza Lopez, S.; Perez Garcia-Estañ, M.T.; Romero Adam, E.; Ros, E.; Salt, J.; Sanchez Martinez, V.; Soldevila, U.; Sanchez, J.; Torro Pastor, E.; Valero, A.; Valladolid Gallego, E.; Valls Ferrer, J.A.; Vos, M. Search for Dark Matter in Events with Missing Transverse Momentum and a Higgs Boson Decaying to Two Photons in pp Collisions at root s=8 TeV with the ATLAS Detector 2015 Physical Review Letters 115 131801 - 19pp
XENON Collaboration (Aprile, E. et al); Orrigo, S.E.A. Search for Event Rate Modulation in XENON100 Electronic Recoil Data 2015 Physical Review Letters 115 091302 - 6pp
LHCb Collaboration (Aaij, R. et al); Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Ruiz Valls, P.; Sanchez Mayordomo, C. Search for Hidden-Sector Bosons in B-0 -> K*(0)mu(+)mu(-) Decays 2015 Physical Review Letters 115 161802 - 10pp
LHCb Collaboration (Aaij, R. et al); Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Ruiz Valls, P.; Sanchez Mayordomo, C. Evidence for the Strangeness-Changing Weak Decay Xi(-)(b) -> Lambda(0)(b)pi(-) 2015 Physical Review Letters 115 241801 - 10pp
ATLAS Collaboration (Aad, G. et al); Alvarez Piqueras, D.; Cabrera Urban, S.; Castillo Gimenez, V.; Costa, M.J.; Fernandez Martinez, P.; Ferrer, A.; Fiorini, L.; Fuster, J.; Garcia, C.; Garcia Navarro, J.E.; Gonzalez de la Hoz, S.; Hernandez Jimenez, Y.; Higon-Rodriguez, E.; Irles Quiles, A.; Jimenez Pena, J.; Kaci, M.; King, M.; Lacasta, C.; Lacuesta, V.R.; Marti-Garcia, S.; Mitsou, V.A.; Oliver Garcia, E.; Pedraza Lopez, S.; Perez Garcia-Estañ, M.T.; Romero Adam, E.; Ros, E.; Salt, J.; Sanchez Martinez, V.; Soldevila, U.; Sanchez, J.; Valero, A.; Valladolid Gallego, E.; Valls Ferrer, J.A.; Vos, M. Determination of the Ratio of b-Quark Fragmentation Fractions f(s)/f(d) in pp Collisions at root s=7 TeV with the ATLAS Detector 2015 Physical Review Letters 115 262001 - 18pp
de Florian, D.; Sassot, R.; Epele, M.; Hernandez-Pinto, R.J.; Stratmann, M. Parton-to-pion fragmentation reloaded 2015 Physical Review D 91 014035 - 17pp