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Author (down) Title Year Publication Volume Pages
Vitez-Sveiczer, A. et al; Algora, A.; Morales, A.I.; Rubio, B.; Agramunt, J.; Guadilla, V.; Montaner-Piza, A.; Orrigo, S.E.A. The beta-decay of Kr-70 into Br-70: Restoration of the pseudo-SU(4) symmetry 2022 Physics Letters B 830 137123 - 8pp
Vijande, J.; Valcarce, A. Unraveling the pattern of the XYZ mesons 2014 Physics Letters B 736 325-328
Vidaña, I.; Feijoo, A.; Albaladejo, M.; Nieves, J.; Oset, E. Femtoscopic correlation function for the Tcc(3875)+ state 2023 Physics Letters B 846 138201 - 9pp
Valle, J.W.F.; Vaquera-Araujo, C.A. Dynamical seesaw mechanism for Dirac neutrinos 2016 Physics Letters B 755 363-366
Valiente-Dobon, J.J. et al; Gadea, A.; Algora, A. Manifestation of the Berry phase in the atomic nucleus Pb-213 2021 Physics Letters B 816 136183 - 5pp
Valcarce, A.; Garcilazo, H.; Vijande, J. Heavy baryon spectroscopy with relativistic kinematics 2014 Physics Letters B 733 288-295
Traini, M.; Rinaldi, M.; Scopetta, S.; Vento, V. The effective cross section for double parton scattering within a holographic AdS/QCD approach 2017 Physics Letters B 768 270-273
Tonev, D. et al; Gadea, A. Transition probabilities in P-31 and S-31: A test for isospin symmetry 2021 Physics Letters B 821 136603 - 6pp
Taprogge, J. et al; Gadea, A.; Montaner-Piza, A. Identification of a millisecond isomeric state in Cd-129(81) via the detection of internal conversion and Compton electrons 2014 Physics Letters B 738 223-227
Srivastava, R.; Ternes, C.A.; Tortola, M.; Valle, J.W.F. Testing a lepton quarticity flavor theory of neutrino oscillations with the DUNE experiment 2018 Physics Letters B 778 459-463