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Lopez-Honorez, L.; Mena, O.; Palomares-Ruiz, S.; Vincent, A.C. Constraints on dark matter annihilation from CMB observations before Planck 2013 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 07 046 - 26pp
Beltran Jimenez, J.; Heisenberg, L.; Olmo, G.J.; Ringeval, C. Cascading dust inflation in Born-lnfeld gravity 2015 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 11 046 - 30pp
Gariazzo, S.; Martinez-Mirave, P.; Mena, O.; Pastor, S.; Tortola, M. Non-unitary three-neutrino mixing in the early Universe 2023 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 03 046 - 18pp
Di Valentino, E.; Gariazzo, S.; Mena, O.; Vagnozzi, S. Soundness of dark energy properties 2020 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 07 045 - 45pp
Gavela, M.B.; Lopez Honorez, L.; Mena, O.; Rigolin, S. Dark coupling and gauge invariance 2010 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 11 044 - 15pp
Di Bari, P.; Ludl, P.O.; Palomares-Ruiz, S. Unifying leptogenesis, dark matter and high-energy neutrinos with right-handed neutrino mixing via Higgs portal 2016 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 11 044 - 41pp
Afonso, V.I.; Olmo, G.J.; Orazi, E.; Rubiera-Garcia, D. New scalar compact objects in Ricci-based gravity theories 2019 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 12 044 - 20pp
Aja, B. et al; Gimeno, B. The Canfranc Axion Detection Experiment (CADEx): search for axions at 90 GHz with Kinetic Inductance Detectors 2022 Journal of Cosmology And Astroparticle Physics 11 044 - 29pp
Gomez-Cadenas, J.J.; Martin-Albo, J.; Muñoz Vidal, J.; Pena-Garay, C. Discovery potential of xenon-based neutrinoless double beta decay experiments in light of small angular scale CMB observations 2013 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 03 043 - 17pp
Bellomo, N.; Bellini, E.; Hu, B.; Jimenez, R.; Pena-Garay, C.; Verde, L. Hiding neutrino mass in modified gravity cosmologies 2017 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 02 043 - 12pp