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Fomichev, A.S.; Mukha, I.; Stepantsov, S.V.; Grigorenko, L.V.; Litvinova, E.V.; Chudoba, V.; Egorova, I.A.; Golovkov, M.S.; Gorshkov, A.V.; Gorshkov, V.A.; Kaminski, G.; Krupko, S.A.; Parfenova, Y.L.; Sidorchuk, S.I.; Slepnev, R.S.; Ter-Akopian, G.M.; Wolski, R.; Zhukov, M.V. Lifetime of (26)S and a limit for its 2p decay energy 2011 International Journal of Modern Physics E 20 1491-1508 details   doi
Perez-Ramos, R. The Internal Structure Of Jets At Colliders: Light And Heavy Quark Inclusive Hadronic Distributions 2011 International Journal of Modern Physics E 20 1616-1622 details   doi
Oset, E.; Ramos, A.; Garzon, E.J.; Molina, R.; Tolos, L.; Xiao, C.W.; Wu, J.J.; Zou, B.S. Interaction of vector mesons with baryons and nuclei 2012 International Journal of Modern Physics E 21 1230011 - 18pp details   doi
Vijande, J.; Valcarce, A.; Carames, T.F.; Garcilazo, H. Heavy Hadron Spectroscopy: A Quark Model Perspective 2013 International Journal of Modern Physics E 22 1330011 - 25pp details   doi
Oset, E.; Albaladejo, M.; Xie, J.J.; Ramos, A. Recent developments on hadron interaction and dynamically generated resonances 2014 International Journal of Modern Physics E 23 1461008 - 8pp details   doi
Oset, E. et al; Albaladejo, M.; Nieves, J.; Fernandez-Soler, P.; Sun, Z.F. Weak decays of heavy hadrons into dynamically generated resonances 2016 International Journal of Modern Physics E 25 1630001 - 105pp details   doi
Vento, V. Skyrmions at high density 2017 International Journal of Modern Physics E 26 1740029 - 15pp details   doi
Garcilazo, H.; Valcarce, A.; Vijande, J. Neutral baryonic systems with strangeness 2020 International Journal of Modern Physics E 29 1930009 - 22pp details   doi
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