Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume  |
Pages |
Afonso, V.I.; Olmo, G.J.; Rubiera-Garcia, D. |
Scalar geons in Born-Infeld gravity |
2017 |
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics |
08 |
031 - 35pp |
Folgado, M.G.; Gomez-Vargas, G.A.; Rius, N.; Ruiz de Austri, R. |
Probing the sterile neutrino portal to Dark Matter with gamma rays |
2018 |
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics |
08 |
002 - 20pp |
Stadler, J.; Boehm, C.; Mena, O. |
Comprehensive study of neutrino-dark matter mixed damping |
2019 |
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics |
08 |
014 - 23pp |
Guerrero, M.; Olmo, G.J.; Rubiera-Garcia, D.; Saez-Chillon Gomez, D. |
Shadows and optical appearance of black bounces illuminated by a thin accretion disk |
2021 |
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics |
08 |
036 - 19pp |
Martinelli, M.; Scarcella, F.; Hogg, N.B.; Kavanagh, B.J.; Gaggero, D.; Fleury, P. |
Dancing in the dark: detecting a population of distant primordial black holes |
2022 |
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics |
08 |
006 - 47pp |
ANTARES Collaboration (Albert, A. et al); Alves, S.; Calvo, D.; Carretero, V.; Gozzini, R.; Hernandez-Rey, J.J.; Lazo, A.; Manczak, J.; Pieterse, C.; Real, D.; Saina, A.; Sanchez-Losa, A.; Salesa Greus, F.; Zornoza, J.D.; Zuñiga, J. |
Review of the online analyses of multi-messenger alerts and electromagnetic transient events with the ANTARES neutrino telescope |
2023 |
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics |
08 |
072 - 23pp |
Babak, S.; Caprini, C.; Figueroa, D.G.; Karnesis, N.; Marcoccia, P.; Nardini, G.; Pieroni, M.; Ricciardone, A.; Sesanah, A.; Torradol, J. |
Stochastic gravitational wave background from stellar origin binary black holes in LISA |
2023 |
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics |
08 |
034 - 40pp |
Adolf, P.; Hirsch, M.; Krieg, S.; Pas, H.; Tabet, M. |
Fitting the DESI BAO data with dark energy driven by the Cohen-Kaplan-Nelson bound |
2024 |
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics |
08 |
048 - 18pp |
ANTARES Collaboration (Albert, A. et al); Alves, S.; Calvo, D.; Carretero, V.; Gozzini, R.; Hernandez-Rey, J.J.; Lazo, A.; Manczak, J.; Real, D.; Sanchez-Losa, A.; Saina, A.; Salesa Greus, F.; Zornoza, J.D.; Zuñiga, J. |
Constraints on the energy spectrum of the diffuse cosmic neutrino flux from the ANTARES neutrino telescope |
2024 |
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics |
08 |
038 - 27pp |
KM3NeT Collaboration (Aiello, S. et al); Alves Garre, S.; Bariego-Quintana, A.; Calvo, D.; Cecchini, V.; Garcia Soto, A.; Gozzini, S.R.; Hernandez-Rey, J.J.; Lazo, A.; Lessing, N.; Manczak, J.; Palacios Gonzalez, J.; Pastor Gomez, E.J.; Prado, J.; Real, D.; Saina, A.; Salesa Greus, F.; Sanchez Losa, A.; Zornoza, J.D.; Zuñiga, J. |
Search for neutrino emission from GRB 221009A using the KM3NeT ARCA and ORCA detectors |
2024 |
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics |
08 |
006 - 16pp |