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ANTARES Collaboration (Albert, A. et al); Alves, S.; Calvo, D.; Carretero, V.; Gozzini, R.; Hernandez-Rey, J.J.; Lazo, A.; Manczak, J.; Real, D.; Sanchez-Losa, A.; Saina, A.; Salesa Greus, F.; Zornoza, J.D.; Zuñiga, J. Constraints on the energy spectrum of the diffuse cosmic neutrino flux from the ANTARES neutrino telescope 2024 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 08 038 - 27pp
Gomez-Cadenas, J.J.; Guinea, F.; Fogler, M.M.; Katsnelson, M.I.; Martin-Albo, J.; Monrabal, F.; Muñoz Vidal, J. GraXe, graphene and xenon for neutrinoless double beta decay searches 2012 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 02 037 - 17pp
Bertone, G.; Calore, F.; Caron, S.; Ruiz de Austri, R.; Kim, J.S.; Trotta, R.; Weniger, C. Global analysis of the pMSSM in light of the Fermi GeV excess: prospects for the LHC Run-II and astroparticle experiments 2016 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 04 037 - 20pp
Barenboim, G.; Park, W.I. Lepton number asymmetries and the lower bound on the reheating temperature 2017 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 12 037 - 13pp
Guerrero, M.; Olmo, G.J.; Rubiera-Garcia, D.; Saez-Chillon Gomez, D. Shadows and optical appearance of black bounces illuminated by a thin accretion disk 2021 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 08 036 - 19pp
Mangano, G.; Miele, G.; Pastor, S.; Pisanti, O.; Sarikas, S. Constraining the cosmic radiation density due to lepton number with Big Bang Nucleosynthesis 2011 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 03 035 - 18pp
Jimenez, R.; Kitching, T.; Pena-Garay, C.; Verde, L. Can we measure the neutrino mass hierarchy in the sky? 2010 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 05 035 - 14pp
Bernal, N.; Colucci, S.; Josse-Michaux, F.X.; Racker, J.; Ubaldi, L. On baryogenesis from dark matter annihilation 2013 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 10 035 - 30pp
ANTARES Collaboration (Albert, A. et al); Barrios-Marti, J.; Hernandez-Rey, J.J.; Illuminati, G.; Lotze, M.; Tönnis, C.; Zornoza, J.D.; Zuñiga, J. Model-independent search for neutrino sources with the ANTARES neutrino telescope 2020 Astroparticle Physics 114 35-47
Figueroa, D.G.; Florio, A.; Torrenti, F.; Valkenburg, W. The art of simulating the early universe. Part I. Integration techniques and canonical cases 2021 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 04 035 - 108pp