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Author Title (up) Year Publication Volume Pages
KM3NeT Collaboration (Adrian-Martinez, S. et al); Barrios-Marti, J.; Calvo, D.; Hernandez-Rey, J.J.; Illuminati, G.; Lotze, M.; Olcina, I.; Real, D.; Sanchez Garcia, A.; Tönnis, C.; Zornoza, J.D.; Zuñiga, J. A method to stabilise the performance of negatively fed KM3NeT photomultipliers 2016 Journal of Instrumentation 11 P12014 - 12pp
Bernal, N.; Martin-Albo, J.; Palomares-Ruiz, S. A novel way of constraining WIMPs annihilations in the Sun: MeV neutrinos 2013 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 08 011 - 19pp
ANTARES Collaboration (Adrian-Martinez, S. et al); Barrios-Marti, J.; Bou-Cabo, M.; Hernandez-Rey, J.J.; Sanchez-Losa, A.; Tönnis, C.; Zornoza, J.D.; Zuñiga, J. A search for Secluded Dark Matter in the Sun with the ANTARES neutrino telescope 2016 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 05 016 - 13pp
KM3NeT Collaboration (Aiello, S. et al); Barrios-Marti, J.; Calvo, D.; Coleiro, A.; Colomer, M.; Gozzini, S.R.; Hernandez-Rey, J.J.; Illuminati, G.; Khan-Chowdhury, N.R.; Lotze, M.; Perez Romero, J.; Real, D.; Thakore, T.; Zornoza, J.D.; Zuñiga, J. Characterisation of the Hamamatsu photomultipliers for the KM3NeT Neutrino Telescope 2018 Journal of Instrumentation 13 P05035 - 17pp
Double Chooz collaboration (Abe, Y. et al); Novella, P. Characterization of the spontaneous light emission of the PMTs used in the Double Chooz experiment 2016 Journal of Instrumentation 11 P08001 - 25pp
Baxter, D.; Collar, J.I.; Coloma, P.; Dahl, C.E.; Esteban, I.; Ferrario, P.; Gomez-Cadenas, J.J.; Gonzalez-Garcia, M.C.; Kavner, A.R.L.; Lewis, C.M.; Monrabal, F.; Vidal, J.M.; Privitera, P.; Ramanathan, K.; Renner, J. Coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering at the European Spallation Source 2020 Journal of High Energy Physics 02 123 - 38pp
KM3NeT Collaboration (Aiello, S. et al); Alves Garre, S.; Calvo, D.; Carretero, V.; Colomer, M.; Garcia Soto, A.; Gozzini, S.R.; Hernandez-Rey, J.J.; Khan Chowdhury, N.R.; Lazo, A.; Manczak, J.; Palacios Gonzalez, J.; Pieterse, C.; Real, D.; Salesa Greus, F.; Sanchez Losa, A.; Zornoza, J.D.; Zuñiga, J. Combined sensitivity of JUNO and KM3NeT/ORCA to the neutrino mass ordering 2022 Journal of High Energy Physics 03 055 - 31pp
ANTARES Collaboration (Albert, A. et al); Alves, S.; Calvo, D.; Carretero, V.; Gozzini, R.; Hernandez-Rey, J.J.; Lazo, A.; Manczak, J.; Real, D.; Sanchez-Losa, A.; Saina, A.; Salesa Greus, F.; Zornoza, J.D.; Zuñiga, J. Constraints on the energy spectrum of the diffuse cosmic neutrino flux from the ANTARES neutrino telescope 2024 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 08 038 - 27pp
Double Chooz collaboration (Abrahao, T. et al); Novella, P. Cosmic-muon characterization and annual modulation measurement with Double Chooz detectors 2017 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 02 017 - 20pp
Bernal, N.; Munoz-Albornoz, V.; Palomares-Ruiz, S.; Villanueva-Domingo, P. Current and future neutrino limits on the abundance of primordial black holes 2022 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 10 068 - 38pp