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Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages
Bonilla, C.; Krauss, M.E.; Opferkuch, T.; Porod, W. Perspectives for detecting lepton flavour violation in left-right symmetric models 2017 Journal of High Energy Physics 03 027 - 50pp
Bonnet, F.; Hirsch, M.; Ota, T.; Winter, W. Systematic decomposition of the neutrinoless double beta decay operator 2013 Journal of High Energy Physics 03 055 - 34pp
Bonnet, F.; Hirsch, M.; Ota, T.; Winter, W. Systematic study of the d=5 Weinberg operator at one-loop order 2012 Journal of High Energy Physics 07 153 - 23pp
Botella, F.J.; Branco, G.C.; Nebot, M.; Rebelo, M.N. Two-Higgs leptonic minimal flavour violation 2011 Journal of High Energy Physics 10 037 - 21pp
Boucenna, M.S.; Hirsch, M.; Morisi, S.; Peinado, E.; Taoso, M.; Valle, J.W.F. Phenomenology of dark matter from A_4 flavor symmetry 2011 Journal of High Energy Physics 05 037 - 20pp
Bustamante, M.; Gago, A.M.; Jones Perez, J. SUSY renormalization group effects in ultra high energy neutrinos 2011 Journal of High Energy Physics 05 133 - 26pp
Bustamante, M.; Gago, A.M.; Pena-Garay, C. Energy-independent new physics in the flavour ratios of high-energy astrophysical neutrinos 2010 Journal of High Energy Physics 04 066 - 28pp
Caputo, A.; Hernandez, P.; Lopez-Pavon, J.; Salvado, J. The seesaw portal in testable models of neutrino masses 2017 Journal of High Energy Physics 06 112 - 20pp
Carcamo Hernandez, A.E.; Hati, C.; Kovalenko, S.; Valle, J.W.F.; Vaquera-Araujo, C.A. Scotogenic neutrino masses with gauged matter parity and gauge coupling unification 2022 Journal of High Energy Physics 03 034 - 25pp
Carcamo Hernandez, A.E.; Kovalenko, S.; Valle, J.W.F.; Vaquera-Araujo, C.A. Neutrino predictions from a left-right symmetric flavored extension of the standard model 2019 Journal of High Energy Physics 02 065 - 24pp