Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume  |
Pages |
Liang, W.H.; Xiao, C.W.; Oset, E. |
Baryon states with open beauty in the extended local hidden gauge approach |
2014 |
Physical Review D |
89 |
054023 - 15pp |
Ozpineci, A.; Xiao, C.W.; Oset, E. |
Hidden beauty molecules within the local hidden gauge approach and heavy quark spin symmetry |
2013 |
Physical Review D |
88 |
034018 - 14pp |
Xiao, C.W.; Nieves, J.; Oset, E. |
Combining heavy quark spin and local hidden gauge symmetries in the dynamical generation of hidden charm baryons |
2013 |
Physical Review D |
88 |
056012 - 20pp |
Liang, W.H.; Xiao, C.W.; Oset, E. |
Study of eta K(K)over-bar and eta ' K(K)over-bar with the fixed center approximation to Faddeev equations |
2013 |
Physical Review D |
88 |
114024 - 10pp |
Molina, R.; Xiao, C.W.; Oset, E. |
J/psi reaction mechanisms and suppression in the nuclear medium |
2012 |
Physical Review C |
86 |
014604 - 9pp |
Bayar, M.; Xiao, C.W.; Hyodo, T.; Dote, A.; Oka, M.; Oset, E. |
Energy and width of a narrow I=1/2 DNN quasibound state |
2012 |
Physical Review C |
86 |
044004 - 16pp |
Xiao, C.W.; Bayar, M.; Oset, E. |
Prediction of D*-multi-rho states |
2012 |
Physical Review D |
86 |
094019 - 10pp |
Xiao, C.W.; Bayar, M.; Oset, E. |
NDK, (K)over-barDN, and ND(K)over-bar molecules |
2011 |
Physical Review D |
84 |
034037 - 8pp |
Lin, J.X.; Chen, H.X.; Liang, W.H.; Xiao, C.W.; Oset, E. |
(B)over-bars0 → Ds1(2460)+ K-, Ds1(2536)+ K- and the nature of the two Ds1 resonances |
2024 |
European Physical Journal C |
84 |
439 - 8pp |
Song, J.; Liang, W.H.; Xiao, C.W.; Dias, J.M.; Oset, E. |
Testing the molecular nature of the Ω (2012) with the ψ (3770) → (Ω)over-bar(K)over-barΞ and ψ (3770) → (Ω)over-bar(K)over-barΞ* (1530) ((Ω)over-bar(K)over-barπΞ) reactions |
2024 |
European Physical Journal C |
84 |
1311 - 7pp |