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Author Title Year Publication Volume Pages (up)
Bhattacharyya, G.; Das, D.; Jay Perez, M.; Saha, I.; Santamaria, A.; Vives, O. Can measurements of 2HDM parameters provide hints for high scale supersymmetry? 2018 Physical Review D 97 095018 - 9pp
Boubekeur, L.; Dodelson, S.; Vives, O. Cold positrons from decaying dark matter 2012 Physical Review D 86 103520 - 14pp
Kaneko, S.; Saito, H.; Sato, J.; Shimomura, T.; Vives, O.; Yamanaka, M. Correlation between flavor-violating decay of long-lived slepton and tau in the coannihilation scenario with the seesaw mechanism 2011 Physical Review D 83 115005 - 10pp
MoEDAL Collaboration (Acharya, B. et al); Bernabeu, J.; Garcia, C.; King, M.; Mitsou, V.A.; Vento, V.; Vives, O. The physics programme of the MoEDAL experiment at the LHC 2014 International Journal of Modern Physics A 29 1430050 - 91pp