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BABAR Collaboration (Lees, J.P. et al); Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Villanueva-Perez, P. Production of charged pions, kaons, and protons in e(+)e(-) annihilations into hadrons at root s=10.54 GeV 2013 Physical Review D 88 032011 - 26pp
BABAR Collaboration (Lees, J.P. et al); Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Villanueva-Perez, P. Search for a light Higgs boson decaying to two gluons or s(s)over-bar in the radiative decays of Upsilon(1S) 2013 Physical Review D 88 031701 - 7pp
BABAR Collaboration (Lees, J.P. et al); Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Villanueva-Perez, P. Search for di-muon decays of a low-mass Higgs boson in radiative decays of the Gamma(1S) 2013 Physical Review D 87 031102 - 8pp
BABAR Collaboration (Lees, J.P. et al); Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Villanueva-Perez, P. Observation of the baryonic decay (B)over-bar(0) -> Lambda(+)(c)(p)over-barK(-)K(+) 2015 Physical Review D 91 031102 - 7pp
BABAR Collaboration (Lees, J.P. et al); Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Villanueva-Perez, P. Measurement of CP-violating asymmetries in B-0 -> (rho pi)(0) decays using a time-dependent Dalitz plot analysis 2013 Physical Review D 88 012003 - 26pp
BABAR Collaboration (Lees, J.P. et al); Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Villanueva-Perez, P. Study of B-+/-,B-0 -> J/psi(K+K-K +/-,0) and search for B-0 -> J/psi phi at BABAR 2015 Physical Review D 91 012003 - 12pp
BABAR Collaboration (Lees, J.P. et al); Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Villanueva-Perez, P. Search for lepton-number violating B+ -> X(-)l(+)l '(+) decays 2014 Physical Review D 89 011102 - 8pp
Bevan, A.J. et al; Martinez-Vidal, F.; Pich, A.; Azzolini, V.; Bernabeu, J.; Lopez-March, N.; Milanes, D.A.; Oyanguren, A.; Villanueva-Perez, P. The Physics of the B Factories 2014 European Physical Journal C 74 3026 - 916pp
Bernabeu, J.; Mavromatos, N.E.; Villanueva-Perez, P. Consistent probabilistic description of the neutral Kaon system 2013 Physics Letters B 724 269-273
BABAR Collaboration (Lees, J.P. et al); Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Villanueva-Perez, P. Time-integrated luminosity recorded by the BABAR detector at the PEP-II e(+)e(-) collider 2013 Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 726 203-213