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Author Title (down) Year Publication Volume Pages
Esteves, J.N.; Romao, J.C.; Hirsch, M.; Porod, W.; Staub, F.; Vicente, A. Dark matter and LHC phenomenology in a left-right supersymmetric model 2012 Journal of High Energy Physics 01 095 - 33pp
Hirsch, M.; Joaquim, F.R.; Vicente, A. Constrained SUSY seesaws with a 125 GeV Higgs 2012 Journal of High Energy Physics 11 105 - 33pp
Merle, A.; Platscher, M.; Rojas, N.; Valle, J.W.F.; Vicente, A. Consistency of WIMP Dark Matter as radiative neutrino mass messenger 2016 Journal of High Energy Physics 07 013 - 17pp
Aebischer, J. et al; Vicente, A. Computing tools for effective field theories 2024 European Physical Journal C 84 170 - 59pp
Bazzocchi, F.; Morisi, S.; Peinado, E.; Valle, J.W.F.; Vicente, A. Bilinear R-parity violation with flavor symmetry 2013 Journal of High Energy Physics 01 033 - 16pp
Boucenna, S.M.; Valle, J.W.F.; Vicente, A. Are the B decay anomalies related to neutrino oscillations? 2015 Physics Letters B 750 367-371
Vicente, A. Anomalies in b -> s transitions and dark matter 2018 Advances in High Energy Physics 2018 3905848 - 11pp
Escribano, P.; Vicente, A. An ultraviolet completion for the Scotogenic model 2021 Physics Letters B 823 136717 - 7pp
Escribano, P.; Terol-Calvo, J.; Vicente, A. (g-2)(e,mu) in an extended inverse type-III seesaw model 2021 Physical Review D 103 115018 - 17pp