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Author Title Year Publication Volume Pages (down)
Aoki, M.; Toma, T.; Vicente, A. Non-thermal production of minimal dark matter via right-handed neutrino decay 2015 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 09 063 - 19pp
Cai, Y.; Herrero-Garcia, J.; Schmidt, M.A.; Vicente, A.; Volkas, R.R. From the Trees to the Forest: A Review of Radiative Neutrino Mass Models 2017 Frontiers in Physics 5 63 - 56pp
Centelles Chulia, S.; Herrero-Brocal, A.; Vicente, A. The Type-I Seesaw family 2024 Journal of High Energy Physics 07 060 - 35pp
Boucenna, S.M.; Celis, A.; Fuentes-Martin, J.; Vicente, A.; Virto, J. Phenomenology of an SU(2) x SU(2) x U(1) model with lepton-flavour non-universality 2016 Journal of High Energy Physics 12 059 - 43pp
Aristizabal Sierra, D.; Tortola, M.; Valle, J.W.F.; Vicente, A. Leptogenesis with a dynamical seesaw scale 2014 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 07 052 - 20pp
Bazzocchi, F.; Morisi, S.; Peinado, E.; Valle, J.W.F.; Vicente, A. Bilinear R-parity violation with flavor symmetry 2013 Journal of High Energy Physics 01 033 - 16pp
Portillo-Sanchez, D.; Escribano, P.; Vicente, A. Ultraviolet extensions of the Scotogenic model 2023 Journal of High Energy Physics 08 023 - 35pp
Merle, A.; Platscher, M.; Rojas, N.; Valle, J.W.F.; Vicente, A. Consistency of WIMP Dark Matter as radiative neutrino mass messenger 2016 Journal of High Energy Physics 07 013 - 17pp