Author  |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Peinado, E.; Vicente, A. |
Neutrino masses from R-parity violation with a Z(3) symmetry |
2012 |
Physical Review D |
86 |
093024 - 9pp |
Portillo-Sanchez, D.; Escribano, P.; Vicente, A. |
Ultraviolet extensions of the Scotogenic model |
2023 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
08 |
023 - 35pp |
Rocha-Moran, P.; Vicente, A. |
Lepton Flavor Violation in the singlet-triplet scotogenic model |
2016 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
07 |
078 - 25pp |
Rocha-Moran, P.; Vicente, A. |
Lepton flavor violation in a Z ' model for the b -> s anomalies |
2019 |
Physical Review D |
99 |
035016 - 10pp |
Staub, F.; Athron, P.; Basso, L.; Goodsell, M.D.; Harries, D.; Krauss, M.E.; Nickel, K.; Opferkuch, T.; Ubaldi, L.; Vicente, A.; Voigt, A. |
Precision tools and models to narrow in on the 750 GeV diphoton resonance |
2016 |
European Physical Journal C |
76 |
516 - 57pp |
Terol-Calvo, J.; Tortola, M.; Vicente, A. |
High-energy constraints from low-energy neutrino nonstandard interactions |
2020 |
Physical Review D |
101 |
095010 - 14pp |
Vicente, A. |
Lepton Flavor Violation beyond the MSSM |
2015 |
Advances in High Energy Physics |
2015 |
686572 - 22pp |
Vicente, A. |
Anomalies in b -> s transitions and dark matter |
2018 |
Advances in High Energy Physics |
2018 |
3905848 - 11pp |
Vicente, A. |
Higgs Lepton Flavor Violating Decays in Two Higgs Doublet Models |
2019 |
Frontiers in Physics |
7 |
174 - 13pp |