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Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages
Baron, R.; Boucaud, P.; Carbonell, J.; Deuzeman, A.; Drach, V.; Farchioni, F.; Gimenez, V.; Herdoiza, G.; Jansen, K.; McNeile, C.; Michael, C.; Montvay, I.; Palao, D.; Pallante, E.; Pene, O.; Urbach, C.; Wagner, M.; Wenger, U. Light hadrons from lattice QCD with light (u, d), strange and charm dynamical quarks 2010 Journal of High Energy Physics 06 111 - 31pp
Baron, R.; Boucaud, P.; Dimopoulos, P.; Frezzotti, R.; Palao, D.; Rossi, G.; Farchioni, F.; Munster, G.; Sudmann, T.; Gimenez, V.; Herdoiza, G.; Jansen, K.; Lubicz, V.; Simula, S.; Michael, C.; Scorzato, L.; Shindler, A.; Urbach, C.; Wenger, U. Light meson physics from maximally twisted mass lattice QCD 2010 Journal of High Energy Physics 08 097 - 41pp
Carrasco, N.; Deuzeman, A.; Dimopoulos, P.; Frezzotti, R.; Gimenez, V.; Herdoiza, G.; Lami, P.; Lubicz, V.; Palao, D.; Picca, E.; Reker, S.; Riggio, L.; Rossi, G.C.; Sanfilippo, F.; Scorzato, L.; Simula, S.; Tarantino, C.; Urbach, C.; Wenger, U. Up, down, strange and charm quark masses with N-f=2+1+1 twisted mass lattice QCD 2014 Nuclear Physics B 887 19-68
Fischer, M.; Kostrzewa, B.; Liu, L.M.; Romero-Lopez, F.; Ueding, M.; Urbach, C. Scattering of two and three physical pions at maximal isospin from lattice QCD Extended Twisted Mass Collaboration 2021 European Physical Journal C 81 436 - 19pp
Garofalo, M.; Romero-Lopez, F.; Rusetsky, A.; Urbach, C. Testing a new method for scattering in finite volume in the phi(4) theory 2021 European Physical Journal C 81 1034 - 5pp
Romero-Lopez, F.; Rusetsky, A.; Schlage, N.; Urbach, C. Relativistic N-particle energy shift in finite volume 2021 Journal of High Energy Physics 02 060 - 52pp
Romero-Lopez, F.; Rusetsky, A.; Urbach, C. Two- and three-body interactions in phi 4 theory from lattice simulations 2018 European Physical Journal C 78 846 - 15pp