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Author Title Year Publication Volume (down) Pages
Miranda, O.G.; Papoulias, D.K.; Sanders, O.; Tortola, M.; Valle, J.W.F. Low-energy probes of sterile neutrino transition magnetic moments 2021 Journal of High Energy Physics 12 191 - 24pp
Emmanuel-Costa, D.; Simoes, C.; Tortola, M. The minimal adjoint-SU (5) x Z(4) GUT model 2013 Journal of High Energy Physics 10 054 - 30pp
De Romeri, V.; Martinez-Mirave, P.; Tortola, M. Signatures of primordial black hole dark matter at DUNE and THEIA 2021 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 10 051 - 21pp
DUNE Collaboration (Abi, B. et al); Antonova, M.; Barenboim, G.; Cervera-Villanueva, A.; De Romeri, V.; Fernandez Menendez, P.; Garcia-Peris, M.A.; Izmaylov, A.; Martin-Albo, J.; Masud, M.; Mena, O.; Molina Bueno, L.; Novella, P.; Rubio, F.C.; Sorel, M.; Ternes, C.A.; Tortola, M.; Valle, J.W.F. Searching for solar KDAR with DUNE 2021 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 10 065 - 28pp
Gariazzo, S.; Gerbino, M.; Brinckmann, T.; Lattanzi, M.; Mena, O.; Schwetz, T.; Choudhury, S.R.; Freese, K.; Hannestad, S.; Ternes, C.A.; Tortola, M. Neutrino mass and mass ordering: no conclusive evidence for normal ordering 2022 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 10 010 - 18pp
Forero, D.V.; Morisi, S.; Tortola, M.; Valle, J.W.F. Lepton flavor violation and non-unitary lepton mixing in low-scale type-I seesaw 2011 Journal of High Energy Physics 09 142 - 18pp
Aristizabal Sierra, D.; Tortola, M.; Valle, J.W.F.; Vicente, A. Leptogenesis with a dynamical seesaw scale 2014 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 07 052 - 20pp
Agarwalla, S.K.; Bagchi, P.; Forero, D.V.; Tortola, M. Probing non-standard interactions at Daya Bay 2015 Journal of High Energy Physics 07 060 - 33pp
Miranda, O.G.; Papoulias, D.K.; Tortola, M.; Valle, J.W.F. Probing neutrino transition magnetic moments with coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering 2019 Journal of High Energy Physics 07 103 - 23pp
Barenboim, G.; Ternes, C.A.; Tortola, M. CPT and CP, an entangled couple 2020 Journal of High Energy Physics 07 155 - 12pp