Author |
Title  |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
de Salas, P.F.; Forero, D.V.; Gariazzo, S.; Martinez-Mirave, P.; Mena, O.; Ternes, C.A.; Tortola, M.; Valle, J.W.F. |
2020 global reassessment of the neutrino oscillation picture |
2021 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
02 |
071 - 36pp |
Esteves, J.N.; Joaquim, F.R.; Joshipura, A.S.; Romao, J.C.; Tortola, M.; Valle, J.W.F. |
A(4)-based neutrino masses with Majoron decaying dark matter |
2010 |
Physical Review D |
82 |
073008 - 8pp |
Boucenna, M.S.; Morisi, S.; Tortola, M.; Valle, J.W.F. |
Bilarge neutrino mixing and the Cabibbo angle |
2012 |
Physical Review D |
86 |
051301 - 4pp |
de Salas, P.F.; Pastor, S.; Ternes, C.A.; Thakore, T.; Tortola, M. |
Constraining the invisible neutrino decay with KM3NeT-ORCA |
2019 |
Physics Letters B |
789 |
472-479 |
de Salas, P.F.; Gariazzo, S.; Martinez-Mirave, P.; Pastor, S.; Tortola, M. |
Cosmological radiation density with non-standard neutrino-electron interactions |
2021 |
Physics Letters B |
820 |
136508 - 9pp |
Barenboim, G.; Ternes, C.A.; Tortola, M. |
CPT and CP, an entangled couple |
2020 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
07 |
155 - 12pp |
DUNE Collaboration (Abud, A.A. et al); Antonova, M.; Barenboim, G.; Cervera-Villanueva, A.; De Romeri, V.; Fernandez Menendez, P.; Garcia-Peris, M.A.; Izmaylov, A.; Martin-Albo, J.; Masud, M.; Mena, O.; Molina Bueno, L.; Novella, P.; Rubio, F.C.; Sorel, M.; Ternes, C.A.; Tortola, M.; Valle, J.W.F. |
Design, construction and operation of the ProtoDUNE-SP Liquid Argon TPC |
2022 |
Journal of Instrumentation |
17 |
P01005 - 111pp |
DUNE Collaboration (Abud, A.A. et al); Amar Es-Sghir, H.; Amedo, P.; Antonova, M.; Barenboim, G.; Benitez Montiel, C.; Capo, J.; Cervera Villanueva, A.; De Romeri, V.; Garcia-Peris, M.A.; Lopez March, N.; Martin-Albo, J.; Martinez Mirave, P.; Mena, O.; Molina Bueno, L.; Novella, P.; Pompa, F.; Rocabado Rocha, J.L.; Sanchez Bravo, A.; Sorel, M.; Soto-Oton, J.; Tortola, M.; Tuzi, M.; Ureña Gonzalez, J.; Valle, J.W.F.; Yahlali, N. |
Doping liquid argon with xenon in ProtoDUNE Single-Phase: effects on scintillation light |
2024 |
Journal of Instrumentation |
19 |
P08005 - 42pp |
Barenboim, G.; Masud, M.; Ternes, C.A.; Tortola, M. |
Exploring the intrinsic Lorentz-violating parameters at DUNE |
2019 |
Physics Letters B |
788 |
308-315 |
Miranda, O.G.; Pasquini, P.; Tortola, M.; Valle, J.W.F. |
Exploring the potential of short-baseline physics at Fermilab |
2018 |
Physical Review D |
97 |
095026 - 9pp |