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Author | Title | Year | Publication | Volume | Pages |
Jittoh, T.; Kohri, K.; Koike, M.; Sato, J.; Shimomura, T.; Yamanaka, M. | Stau relic density at the big-bang nucleosynthesis era in the coannihilation scenario and a solution to the Li-7 problem | 2010 | Physical Review D | 82 | 115030 - 10pp |
Kaneko, S.; Saito, H.; Sato, J.; Shimomura, T.; Vives, O.; Yamanaka, M. | Correlation between flavor-violating decay of long-lived slepton and tau in the coannihilation scenario with the seesaw mechanism | 2011 | Physical Review D | 83 | 115005 - 10pp |