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Author Title Year Publication Volume (up) Pages
LHCb Collaboration (Aaij, R. et al); Garcia Martin, L.M.; Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Remon Alepuz, C.; Ruiz Valls, P.; Sanchez Mayordomo, C. Observation of the decay B-s(0) -> eta(c)phi and evidence for B-s(0) -> eta(c)pi(+)pi(-) 2017 Journal of High Energy Physics 07 021 - 33pp
LHCb Collaboration (Aaij, R. et al); Garcia Martin, L.M.; Henry, L.; Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Remon Alepuz, C.; Ruiz Vidal, J.; Sanchez Mayordomo, C. Evidence for the decay B-s(0) -> (K)over-bar(*0) mu(+)mu(-) 2018 Journal of High Energy Physics 07 020 - 24pp
LHCb Collaboration (Aaij, R. et al); Garcia Martin, L.M.; Henry, L.; Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Remon Alepuz, C.; Ruiz Vidal, J.; Sanchez Mayordomo, C. Measurement of Upsilon production in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV 2018 Journal of High Energy Physics 07 134 - 27pp
LHCb Collaboration (Aaij, R. et al); Garcia Martin, L.M.; Henry, L.; Jashal, B.K.; Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Remon Alepuz, C.; Ruiz Vidal, J.; Sanchez Mayordomo, C. Near-threshold DD spectroscopy and observation of a new charmonium state 2019 Journal of High Energy Physics 07 035 - 23pp
LHCb Collaboration (Aaij, R. et al); Garcia Martin, L.M.; Henry, L.; Jashal, B.K.; Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Remon Alepuz, C.; Ruiz Vidal, J.; Sanchez Mayordomo, C. Amplitude analysis of the B0 (s)! K0K0 decays and measurement of the branching fraction of the B0! K0K0 decay 2019 Journal of High Energy Physics 07 032 - 31pp
LHCb Collaboration (Aaij, R. et al); Garcia Martin, L.M.; Henry, L.; Jashal, B.K.; Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Remon Alepuz, C.; Ruiz Vidal, J.; Sanchez Mayordomo, C. Precision measurement of the B-c(+) meson mass 2020 Journal of High Energy Physics 07 123 - 21pp
LHCb Collaboration (Aaij, R. et al); Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Ruiz Valls, P.; Sanchez Mayordomo, C. Study of the kinematic dependences of Lambda(0)(b) production in pp collisions and a measurement of the Lambda(0)(b) -> Lambda(+)(c)pi(-) branching fraction 2014 Journal of High Energy Physics 08 143 - 19pp
LHCb Collaboration (Aaij, R. et al); Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Ruiz Valls, P.; Sanchez Mayordomo, C. Search for the decay B-s(0) -> (D)over-bar(0) f(0)(980) 2015 Journal of High Energy Physics 08 005 - 19pp
LHCb Collaboration (Aaij, R. et al); Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Ruiz Valls, P.; Sanchez Mayordomo, C. Measurement of the forward Z boson production cross-section in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV 2015 Journal of High Energy Physics 08 039 - 37pp
LHCb Collaboration (Aaij, R. et al); Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Ruiz Valls, P.; Sanchez Mayordomo, C. Measurement of the CKM angle gamma using B (0) -> DK (*0) with D -> K-S(0) pi (+) pi (-) decays 2016 Journal of High Energy Physics 08 137 - 30pp