Author  |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
LHCb Collaboration (Aaij, R. et al); Garcia Martin, L.M.; Henry, L.; Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Remon Alepuz, C.; Ruiz Valls, P.; Ruiz Vidal, J.; Sanchez Mayordomo, C. |
First Observation of the Rare Purely Baryonic Decay B0 -> p p-bar |
2017 |
Physical Review Letters |
119 |
232001 - 10pp |
LHCb Collaboration (Aaij, R. et al); Garcia Martin, L.M.; Henry, L.; Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Remon Alepuz, C.; Ruiz Valls, P.; Ruiz Vidal, J.; Sanchez Mayordomo, C. |
Observation of D-0 meson decays to pi(+) pi(-) mu(+) mu(-) and K+ K- mu(+) mu(-) final states |
2017 |
Physical Review Letters |
119 |
181805 - 10pp |
LHCb Collaboration (Aaij, R. et al); Garcia Martin, L.M.; Henry, L.; Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Remon Alepuz, C.; Ruiz Valls, P.; Ruiz Vidal, J.; Sanchez Mayordomo, C. |
Measurement of the shape of the Lambda(0)(b) ->+ Lambda(+)(c) mu(-)(nu)over-bar μdifferential decay rate |
2017 |
Physical Review D |
96 |
112005 - 15pp |
LHCb Collaboration (Aaij, R. et al); Garcia Martin, L.M.; Henry, L.; Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Remon Alepuz, C.; Ruiz Valls, P.; Ruiz Vidal, J.; Sanchez Mayordomo, C. |
Measurement of the B-+/- production cross-section in pp collisions at root s=7 and 13 TeV |
2017 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
12 |
026 - 25pp |
LHCb Collaboration (Aaij, R. et al); Garcia Martin, L.M.; Henry, L.; Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Remon Alepuz, C.; Ruiz Valls, P.; Ruiz Vidal, J.; Sanchez Mayordomo, C. |
Bose-Einstein correlations of same-sign charged pions in the forward region in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV |
2017 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
12 |
025 - 22pp |
LHCb Collaboration (Aaij, R. et al); Garcia Martin, L.M.; Henry, L.; Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Remon Alepuz, C.; Ruiz Valls, P.; Ruiz Vidal, J.; Sanchez Mayordomo, C. |
Measurement of the Y(nS) polarizations in pp collisions at root s=7 and 8 TeV |
2017 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
12 |
110 - 60pp |
LHCb Collaboration (Aaij, R. et al); Garcia Martin, L.M.; Henry, L.; Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Remon Alepuz, C.; Ruiz Valls, P.; Ruiz Vidal, J.; Sanchez Mayordomo, C. |
First observation of forward Z -> b(b)over-bar production in pp collisions at root s=8 TeV |
2018 |
Physics Letters B |
776 |
430-439 |
LHCb Collaboration (Aaij, R. et al); Garcia Martin, L.M.; Henry, L.; Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Remon Alepuz, C.; Ruiz Valls, P.; Ruiz Vidal, J.; Sanchez Mayordomo, C. |
First observation of B+ -> D-s(+) K+ K- decays and a search for B+ -> D-s(+) phi decays |
2018 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
01 |
131 - 22pp |
LHCb Collaboration (Aaij, R. et al); Garcia Martin, L.M.; Henry, L.; Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Remon Alepuz, C.; Ruiz Valls, P.; Ruiz Vidal, J.; Sanchez Mayordomo, C. |
Search for weakly decaying b-flavored pentaquarks |
2018 |
Physical Review D |
97 |
032010 - 11pp |
LHCb Collaboration (Aaij, R. et al); Garcia Martin, L.M.; Henry, L.; Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Remon Alepuz, C.; Ruiz Valls, P.; Ruiz Vidal, J.; Sanchez Mayordomo, C. |
Measurement of CP observables in B-+/- -> D(*)K-+/- and B-+/- -> D(*)pi(+/-) decays |
2018 |
Physics Letters B |
777 |
16-30 |