Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication  |
Volume |
Pages |
Links |
Pich, A.; Rosell, I.; Santos, J.; Sanz-Cillero, J.J. |
Fingerprints of heavy scales in electroweak effective Lagrangians |
2017 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
04 |
012 - 60pp |
Peñuelas, A.; Pich, A. |
Flavour alignment in multi-Higgs-doublet models |
2017 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
12 |
084 - 34pp |
Krause, C.; Pich, A.; Rosell, I.; Santos, J.; Sanz-Cillero, J.J. |
Colorful imprints of heavy states in the electroweak effective theory |
2019 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
05 |
092 - 51pp |
Murgui, C.; Peñuelas, A.; Jung, M.; Pich, A. |
Global fit to b -> c tau nu transitions |
2019 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
09 |
103 - 45pp |
Mandal, R.; Pich, A. |
Constraints on scalar leptoquarks from lepton and kaon physics |
2019 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
12 |
089 - 40pp |
Cirigliano, V.; Gisbert, H.; Pich, A.; Rodriguez-Sanchez, A. |
Isospin-violating contributions to epsilon '/epsilon |
2020 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
02 |
032 - 44pp |
Mandal, R.; Murgui, C.; Peñuelas, A.; Pich, A. |
The role of right-handed neutrinos in b -> c tau nubar anomalies |
2020 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
08 |
022 - 46pp |
Eberhardt, O.; Miralles, V.; Pich, A. |
Constraints on coloured scalars from global fits |
2021 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
10 |
123 - 23pp |
Eberhardt, O.; Peñuelas, A.; Pich, A. |
Global fits in the Aligned Two-Higgs-Doublet model |
2021 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
05 |
005 - 37pp |
Pich, A.; Rodriguez-Sanchez, A. |
SU(3) analysis of four-quark operators: K -> pi pi and vacuum matrix elements |
2021 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
06 |
005 - 43pp |