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Gomez Dumm, D.; Izzo Villafañe, M.F.; Noguera, S.; Pagura, V.P.; Scoccola, N.N. Strong magnetic fields in nonlocal chiral quark models 2017 Physical Review D 96 114012 - 19pp
Alvarez-Castillo, D.E.; Blaschke, D.B.; Grunfeld, A.G.; Pagura, V.P. Third family of compact stars within a nonlocal chiral quark model equation of state 2019 Physical Review D 99 063010 - 19pp
Pagura, V.P.; Gomez Dumm, D.; Noguera, S.; Scoccola, N.N. Magnetic susceptibility of the QCD vacuum in a nonlocal SU(3) Polyakov-Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model 2016 Physical Review D 94 054038 - 13pp
Pagura, V.P.; Gomez Dumm, D.; Noguera, S.; Scoccola, N.N. Magnetic catalysis and inverse magnetic catalysis in nonlocal chiral quark models 2017 Physical Review D 95 034013 - 7pp